释义 |
小心翼翼xiǎo xīn yì yìbe (always) watching one’s steps; extremely carefully; very cautious (/circumspect/discreetly/gingerly/meticulously/warily/watchfully); strenuously attentive; with minute attention; with the greatest (/sedulous/utmost) care ❍ 他从手掌里把纸吹掉,把烟末~地装进他烟口袋里——东西不可浪费! (柳青《创业史》283)Carefully,he blew away the paper and placed the tobacco in his pouch. A man shouldn‘t be wasteful. ❍ 一路上~的神情,随着风雨飘走了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 70) …and the cautious expression he had worn all through the trip seemed to have been washed away by the rain. ❍ 勇复基这样~简单答复问题. 使朱瑞芳很难谈下去。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—474) Zhu Ruifang found it rather difficult to continue the conversation in the face of these guarded and not very informative replies from Yong Fuji. ❍ 令仪令色,~。(《诗经·大雅·烝民》)The lessons of antiquity are his law;|He is strenuously attentive to his deportment. ❍ 最艰难的要算担架员,他们双肩都被压得红肿,可还得~地把握着担架的平衡,眼睛紧盯着前方,不能有半点松懈。(《回顾长征·党岭山上》105) The stretcher-bearers had the worst of it,for though their shoulders were red and sore they had to take care not to tilt the stretchers and watch the path ahead of them like hawks. ❍ 改霞重新~地笑着试探:“郭主任,你看生宝他们的生产计划能做到吗? 村里好些人讥笑哩!……”(柳青《创业史》59) With a timid smile,the girl persisted,“Can they produce so much,Chairman Zhenshan? A number of people in the village are laughing at them.It sounds risky to me.”/何殿福怕蹬坏了刘太生,~地从他身上爬了过去。“这就不要紧了,让鬼子自己折腾吧!” (冯志《敌后武工队》95) …afraid of injuring Liu Taisheng.“It doesn’t matter,we’ll give the enemy the slip!”said Liu,and he climbed over him very gingerly. ❍ 乌骓仿佛深知主人的心情似的,四蹄~地落在地上,几乎连一点尘土也没有惊动,缓慢得象头老牛。(吴强《红日》370) The horse seemed to sense its master’s frame of mind,for it put its hooves down with the greatest care and gentleness,scarcely disturbing a single speck of dust as it ambled along as slowly as an old bullock. 小心翼翼xiǎo xīn yì yì翼翼:恭敬的样子。原形容恭敬严肃的样子;现多形容十分小心谨慎,一点也不敢懈怠。with great care, keep on one’s toes, buck one’s ideas |