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sayn. 1 fine textured cloth containing silk,a kind ofsilk cloth细丝绒。 △2H.VI.4.7.27(25): “Ah,thousay,thou serge,nay,thou buckram lord!”啊,你这穿细丝绒、穿哗叽,不,穿粗麻布的勋爵大人!
sayn. 2 assay,proof,indication; smack,taste鉴定,证明,迹象;(又解)风味,味道。 △Lr.5.3.145 (144): “Andthat thy tongue some say of breeding breathes,”既然,你的言语之间也流露出一些良好教养的迹象。
sayvt. 1. tell,report 讲述,报告。 △Mac.1.2.6:“Say to theKing the knowledge of the broil / As thou didst leaveit.”你把你离开战场时所知道的战况报告给国王听。 2. assume,suppose假定,假设。 △Oth.3.3.136:“Why,say they are vile and false,”假定我的想法是邪恶而虚伪的。 △Mac.5.5.31 (30): “I should report that which Isay I saw,/But know not how to do't.”我应该报告我认为我亲眼看到的事,但是不知道怎么办才好。 △H.V.2.4.127:“Say,if my father render fair return,/It is a-gainst my will;”假定说吧,即使我的父王给你们一个有礼貌的答复,那也是不合我的心意的。 △2H.VI.3.1.379: “Saythat he thrive,”假如他成功了… △3H.VI.2.1.93:“For(i.e.as for) ’chair and dukedom’,‘throne and king-dom’ say,/ Either that (i.e. the throne) is thine,orelse thou wert not his (i.e. his son = Plantagenet’sson).”至于“职位和公爵领地”,就说“王位和国家”吧,那要不是你的,除非你不是他的儿子。(按:这句话的意思模棱两可。) △3H.VI.3.2.146: “Well,say there is no kingdomthen for Richard; / What other pleasure can theworld afford?”好,假定没有一个王国给理查统治;这世界还能提供什么快乐? △ 3H.VI.5.4.13: “Say Warwick wasour anchor; what of that?”假定说沃里克是我们的船锚;那又怎么样? △R.III. 3.1.75:“But say,my lord,it werenot registered,/ Methinks the truth should live fromage to age,”但是,我的大人,即使这件事并没有记载,我想真相还是会一代一代留存下来。Phrases & Expressions: how say’st thou: what have you to say to this? 你觉得怎么样? △Gent.2.5.43 (41): “how say’st thou,thatmy master is become a notable lover?”我的主人也变成了一个大情人,你觉得怎么样? say he be taken: If he were to be captured 假如他被抓住了。 △2H.VI.3.1.376: “Say he be taken,rack’d,and tortured,”假如他被抓住了,即使受到拉肢刑和拷打…。 say if I do: What if I do?即使我…又怎么样? △Lr.5.3.160 (159): “Say if I do,the laws are mine,notthine.”即使我知道这封信,又怎么样? 法律在我手里,不在你手里。 say over: repeat 再说一遍,重述。 △Rom.1.1.7:“Butsaying o’er what I have said before.” i.e.My replycan only be a repetition of what I have said before.我还是重复我说过的那一句话。 say somewhat: speak something 说明原委。 △Wiv.4.5.129 (123):“Here is a letter will say somewhat.”这里有一封信,你一看就会明白。 say that: suppose that 假定,假设。 △Tw.2.4.91 (89):“Say that some lady,as perhaps there is,/ Hath foryour love as great a pang of heart / As you have forOlivia.”譬如说有一位姑娘,也许真有那么一个人,由于对你的爱而心里藏着极大的痛苦,就像你对于奥丽维娅那样。 △2H.VI.3.1.379: “Say that he thrive,” 假如他成功了…。 △3H. VI.3.2.89: “Say that King Edward take theefor his queen?”假定国王爱德华娶你做王后,怎么样? △R.III.1.2.89:“Say that I slew them not?”假使我并没有杀他们呢? say[sei]v.说,讲n.话语,想说的意见,发言权 ◇a golden saying金玉良言 As I said before如前所述 have a say in the matter对…有发言权 hear say听人说起 least said soonest mended境况越来越好 never say die不可气馁 no to say不能说 not say a dicky bird不做声 say a mouthful说到点子上 say adieu to向…告别 say amen to衷心赞成 say ditto to表示同意 say no否定,否认,拒绝 say nothing about it未谈及某事 say one’s say畅所欲言 say yes to同意,答应 that is to say换言之 the least said the better少说为妙 there is no saying说不准 to say the least不夸张地说 whatever one may say…不管别人怎么说 when all is said and done无论怎么说 ‖ golden saying至理名言 say good-bye to sb.道别 say good-bye with a heavy heart黯然告别 say more than is needed赘述 say or do the opposite唱对台戏 say yes and mean no口是心非 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again 《再别康桥》 / say-so n. 主张,发言,发言权 said[sed]say的过去式和过去分词adj. 上述的 |