释义 |
gapn. 1. breach,opening,void,blank 缺口,空隙,空处,空白。 △Lr.1.2.93(84):“it would make a great gap in yourown honour and shake in pieces the heart of his obe-dience.”这会把你的尊严弄出一个大缺口,而且把他的孝顺心也打得粉碎。 2. passage,way,course 通道,道路,进程。 △H.VIII.5.1.35:“further,sir,/ Stands in the gap and trade of moe preferments,”此外,先生,他现在身居要津,有的是肥缺,又走上更多升迁的坦途。 gap[gæp]n.代沟,差距,分歧,个性差异,缺口,缝隙,空隙,空白点,雷达盲区,突破口 v. 豁开 ◇ bridge the gap between... 填补…之间的空白 close up a gap 弥补差距 fill in the gaps 填补空白,弥补差距 gap in block 拦网空隙 stand in the gap 首当其冲 ‖ gap assault team 间隙地突破组 gap between revenue and expenditures 收支差额 gap fille input 盲区弥补雷达输入 gap filler output 盲区弥补雷达输出 gap filler radar 盲区弥补雷达 gap filler search radar 盲区弥补搜索雷达 gap filler 雷达辅助天线,盲区弥补雷达 gap financing 缺口资金筹措 gap height 盲区高度 gap in the balance of payment 国际收支赤字 gap loan 差额贷款 gap of demand and supply 供求差距 gap of wealth 贫富差距 generation gap 代沟 gapfiller n.裂缝填充物 gapless adj.无盲区的 gapless coverage radar 无盲区雷达 gapless coverage 无盲区探测范围 gapped adj. 有缺口的 gapped adj. 有缺口的,缺级音阶 gapping n.裂口,缝隙,间隙 gappy adj. 有缺口的,裂缝多的,有缺陷的 |