释义 |
Saliquea. Salic,Salian,referring to a Frankish tribethat lived on the river Sala,the ancient name for oneof the mouths of the Rhine 萨利人的(指古时居住在莱因河一个出口处萨拉河上的一个部族)。 △H.V.1.2.39: “Nowoman shall succeed in Salique land;”在萨利族土地上妇女不得继承。(按: Salique又作Salic。) law Salique (law Salic): a collection of laws of theancient Salic Franks,by which (so it was supposed)the crown of France could descend only through males萨利法典,古代法兰克人萨利族的法典,据说根据其中规定,法国的王位只能由男嗣及其男性子孙继承。 △H.V.1.2.10: “Andjustly and religiously unfold / Why the law Salique,that they have in France,/ Or should,or should not,bar us in our claim.”(claim:claim to the Frenchthrone)公正而合乎道义地讲一讲,法国人所奉行的萨利法典究竟为什么应该,或者不应该,阻挡我的继承权。 |