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单词 reducibility


reducibility axiom可约公理
reducibility criterion可约性准则
reducible adj.可减少的,可简化的
reducible algebra可约代数
reducible element可约元素
reducible set可约集reducible to law explanations可化归由规律解释reducing ability还原能力
reducing balance depreciation method余额递减折旧法
reducing balance method余额递减法
reducing balance method of depredation余额递减折旧法
reducing condition还原条件
reducing diet减体重饮食
reducing losses减亏
reducing personnel裁减人员reduction n.减少,缩减,简化,缩图,缩影,变形
reduction coefficient换算系数
reduction glaze还原釉
reduction in long-term debt长期负债减少
reduction in rank降级
reduction in tariff减轻关税
reduction in tariff削减关税
reduction in the bank rate降低银行贴现率
reduction of a fraction约分
reduction of armaments裁减军备
reduction of capital减资
reduction of capital stock减少固定资本
reduction of categorical syllogism三段论的还原
reduction of cost降低成本
reduction of dividend降低股息
reduction of forces裁减军队
reduction of incidence减轻税负
reduction of interest降低利率,降息
reduction of invoice减少发票金额
reduction of legal capital减少法定资本
reduction of pension扣减退休金
reduction of philosophizing to a skill把哲学思考化为一种技巧
reduction of students’ study load减负
reduction or cancellation of debts减轻债务负担
reduction principle化归原理
reduction process简化过程
reduction sale甩卖
reduction sentence还原语句
reduction surplus减资盈余
reduction theorem化归定理
reduction to absurdity归谬法
reductionism n.简化论,简化法,还原主义,还原论,归纳主义,归纳论
reductionist n. 简化论者,还原主义者,还原论者,归纳主义者,归纳论者 adj. 简化论者的,还原主义者的,归纳主义者的,归纳论者的
reductionistic adj. 还原主义的,归纳主义的
reductive adj. 简化的,还原论的,还原主义的,抽象艺术的
reductive analysis还原法分析
reductive inference 回溯推理
reductivist n.抽象派还原主义者
reductivist learning pattern还原主义学习模式





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