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❶ (纯净) unmixed; clear: ~ 水[汤] clear water [soup]; 天朗气 ~。 The sky is clear and bright. 这水很 ~。 The water is quite clear.
❷ (寂静) quiet: ~ 静 quiet; 享 ~ 福 live in quiet comfort; 这家店铺冷冷 ~ ~ 的, 没有什么生意。 This shop is very quiet; not much business is done.
❸ (清楚) distinct; clarified: 查 ~ 事实 check up on the facts; 分 ~ make a clear distinction; 数不 ~ countless; 说不 ~ hard to explain; 问 ~ 底细 make sure of every detail; get to the bottom of the matter
❹ (一点不留) with nothing left; thoroughly; completely: 把帐还 ~ pay up what one owes; 扫 ~ 障碍 sweep away the obstacles completely
❺ (洁净; 纯洁) pure; clean: 玉洁冰 ~ as pure as jade and as clean as ice; pure and noble Ⅱ ❶ (清除; 使清洁) clean up: ~ 政治, ~ 思想, ~ 组织, ~ 经济 clean things up in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy
❷ (还清; 结清) settle; clear up: 帐 ~ 了吗? Has the account been settled [cleared up]?
❸ (点验) count: ~ 一 ~ 行李的件数 count the pieces of luggage and see how many there are
❹ (清理) clear: 她 ~ 了 ~ 嗓子, 唱了起来。 She cleared her throat, and started singing. Ⅲ ❶ (朝代) the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 贤 Qing Xian
◆清白 pure; clean; unsullied; have clean hands; stainless; 清白无辜 be innocent; have [with; come out with] clean hands; immaculate; keep the hands clean; 清白无瑕 perfect purity; 清爆破音 {语} tenuis; 清擦音 {语} breach sound; 清仓 make an inventory of warehouses; make an inventory of the stock in the storehouse; 清仓查库 make an inventory [checkup] of warehouses; 清仓大减价 big clearance price; 清册 inventory; detailed list; 清茶 green tea; tea served without refreshments; 清茶淡饭 coarse fare — living in poverty; 清查 check; ferret out; uncover; comb out; detect; 清偿 pay off; clear off; 清偿债务 pay off debts; liquidation of the debt; clear off debts; 清唱 sing opera arias (without makeup and acting); 清澈 limpid; clear; limpidity; 清晨 early morning; matinal; 清除 clean up; dump; purge; reset; erase; clear; unset; blast; obliterate; clear away; eliminate; get rid of; sweep away; 清除腐败 eliminate corruption; stamp out corruption; 清楚 clear; distinct; clear; lucid; be clear about; understand; 清创术 {医} épluchage; debridement; 清醇 refresh and mellow; 清脆 clear and melodious; 清单 inventory; repertoire; detailed list; detailed account; 清淡 light; weak; delicate; mild; not greasy or strongly flavoured; light; dull; slack; 清党 purge within a political party; 清道 clean the street; clear the way for the monarch or officials; 清点 check; make an inventory; sort and count; 清炖 boiled in clear soup; 清芬 [书] delicate fragrance; faint scent; 清风 cool breeze; refreshing breeze; 清风亮节 a clear breeze and bright principle as of one's deportment; 清风扑面 The gentle breeze brushes against one's face.; 清高 aloof from politics and material pursuits; self-contained; pure and lofty; 清高绝俗 extremely aloof from mundane affairs;
清稿 fair [clean] copy; 清歌妙[曼]舞 elegant songs and refined dancing — pleasing to ears and eyes; a good song-and-dance performance; 清官 honest and upright official; 清规 {佛教} monastic rules for Buddhists; regulations; taboos and commandments; restrictions and fetters; 清规戒律 the sacred rules of the religious order; interdictions and taboos; outmoded rules and conventions; restrictions and fetters; taboos and commandments; taboos and regulations; 清锅冷灶 living quite alone; 清寒 poor; in straitened circumstances; cold and clear; 清灰工 ashman; 清剿 clean up; suppress; eliminate; 清教徒 Puritan; 清洁 cleaning; clean; 清静 quiet; secluded; tranquil; 清净 peace and quiet; 清君侧 rid the emperor of “evil” ministers (as part of a plot to stage a coup d'état or an armed rebellion); clean up those around the emperor; 清客 proteges of the powerful who stay with their benefactions like parasites; 清口 tasty and refreshing; {机} ingate; 清苦 poor; plain; 清蜡 {石油} paraffin removal; 清朗 clear and bright; clear; ringing; clear and resounding; 清冷 chilly; deserted; desolate; 清理 put in order; clean; disentangle; check up; clear; sort out; liquidate; 清理整顿 clean-up and rectification; screen and reorganize; 清廉 honest and upright; free from corruption; 清凉 cool and refreshing; 清亮 [口] crystal; clear; limpid; 清冽 [书] cool; chilly; 清凌凌 clear with light ripples; 清流 clear stream; 清棉 {纺} scutching; 清明 clear and bright; sober and calm; Qingming; Clear and Bright; Fresh Green; Pure Brightness (5th solar term); 清明祭祖 burn incense and offer sacrifices at the graves of one's ancestors on “Qingming” — “the Festival of Clear Brightness”; 清明时节 early April; 清贫 be poor; 清平 peace and tranquility; 清平世界 a time of peace and order; a peaceful and orderly world; peace in the country; 清漆 varnish; vernix; caseosa; 清清白白 be pure in mind and body; be honest; have clean hands; keep one's hands clean; lead a clean life; 清清楚楚 be crystal clear; be absolutely clear; 清热 clearing heat; 清嗓子 clear one's throat; 清扫 clear; clean; cleaning; rid; {航海} sweeping; 清瘦 thin;lean; spare; 清爽 fresh and cool; brisk; refreshing; easy; light; relieved; relaxed; feeling good and fit; 清水 branch water; 清水衙门 formerly, the Hanlin Academy; a government office free from corruption; the (official) post which makes no profit; 清算 clear (accounts); square; audit; settle accounts; expose and criticize; 清谈 idle talk; empty talk; impractical discussion; 清谈误国 The country has suffered enough from too much empty talk.; Empty talk will bring harm to the country.; Pure theories and talks without action will get the nation into trouble.; 清汤 clear soup; light soup; 清天 clear sky; virtuous official; 清玩 elegant; refined things for people to enjoy; delight in; 清晰 limpid; vivid; distinct; clear; 清晰度 articulation; legibility; intelligibility; definition; resolution; sharpness; clarity; 清洗 wash; clean; rinse; purge; comb out; eliminate; 清闲 at leisure; idle; 清闲自在 have a good time oneself; free and easy; 清香 delicate fragrance; pleasant smell; faint scent; refreshing; fragrance; 清香扑鼻 A sweet scent assails the nostrils.; be met by a waft of fragrance; 清香爽口 pleasant to the palate [taste]; 清馨 [书] delicate fragrance; faint scent; 清新 pure and fresh; fresh; 清醒 clear-headed; sober; come to; come round; regain consciousness; 清醒头脑 a clear-minded head; a clear mind; 清秀 delicate and pretty; 清雅 elegant; refined; 清样 {刷} final proof; foundry proof; clean proof; press proof; 清夜 in the stillness of night; 清夜扪心 examine one's conscience in the stillness of night — self-examination; search oneself for mistakes in the stillness of night; 清一色 all of the same colour; homogeneous; identical; all of the same suit; 清议 [旧] political criticism by scholars; 清音 {语} unvoiced sound; voiceless sound; a type of ballad-singing popular in Sichuan Province; 清幽 (of a landscape) quiet and beautiful; 清幽雅致 (a place) secluded and refined; 清油 [方] boiled oil; edible vegetable oil; 清越 clear and melodious; 清早 [口] early in the morning; early morning; 清渣 scarfing cinder; 清丈 make an exact measurement of the land; 清帐 square an account; balance the book; settle an account; clear an account; 清真 Islamic; Muslim; 清蒸 steamed in clear soup; 清浊不分[同流] unable to distinguish between the clear and the muddy


【历史】Qing Dynasty


clearing (away);cooling





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