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单词 添油加醋

添油加醋tiān yóu jiā cù

add colour and emphasis to (a narration); add highly coloured details to (a story); falsify sth by colouring it up; give a false colouring to (sth) (with details); paint up (/embellish) deliberately
❍ 他愉快地给我讲着这些日子的遭遇,本纹在一边~。(陶承《我的一家》61) He told me cheerfully what had happened recently. Benwen interrupted him every now and then to add colour and emphasis to his stories.
❍ 他们这个好笑的话柄,一人传十,十人传百,又经过了多嘴多舌的人~,竟把菊咬金涂成一个花鼻子了。(周立波《山乡巨变》) 181) The joke at their expense travelled from mouth to mouth and soon reached everyone’s ears; it was embellished and made more savoury in the telling until Gold Biter Ju became a notorious villain.

添油加醋tiān yóu jiā cù

比喻有意添加一些夸大事实或挑拨性的内容。add in flammatory details to a story, give a false colouring to, add colour and emphasis to





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