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单词 enforce
enforce/ ɪn′fɔ:s, AmE -′fɔ:rs/ vt [-s / ɪz/; -d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 执(施,推)行,实施(cause a lawcommand or one's own will to be carried out) [T+n]:~(the provisions of) a law 执行法律(条款); ~rule/regulation strictly 严格地执行规定/制度; 〖同〗 execute,administer; 〖反〗ignore,disregard;

(2)强制(迫,行) (bring about or impose by force) [T+nT+n+prep(on)]:~discipline/silence (on sb) 强迫(某人)遵守纪律/保持安静~obedience to an order/one's demand on (upon) sb/one's will on (upon) a child 强迫服从命令/强迫某人接受要求/将自己的意志强加给孩子;~payment of money 强迫还钱; Illness~d me to remain idle. 由于患病,我不得不闲呆着。〖同〗 compel,impose;

(3) 强调,加强,坚持(观点、主张等) (give force or strength to an argumenta pointetc) [T+n]:~an (one's) argument/a demand/one's opinion with an argument/one's statement by producing facts and figures/one's case with new evidence 坚持(自己的)论点/坚持一要求/提供论据以加强自己的观点/提供事实和数据来加强自己的陈述/用新的证据打官司;

→en′forceable adj 可实施的;en′forceably adv 可实施地; en′forcement n 实施(行);enforcer n 实施者





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