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单词 rate


1. price,cost,expense价钱,代价,费用。
△Wiv.2.2217 (205):“that I have purchased at an infinite rate,”我付出无限高价所购买的。
△Com.4.4.14:“I’ll serve you…five hundred at the rate.”按这个价钱,我能给你买五百条(绳子)。
△1H.VI.3.2.42: “I think the Duke ofBurgundy will fast / Before he’ll buy again at such arate.”我想勃艮第公爵宁可挨饿也不愿花这样的代价来买了。
△3H.VI.2. 2. 51:“For all the rest is held at such arate /As brings a thousandfold more care to keep /Than in possession any jot of pleasure.”因为其他的一切,要保持就得付出极大的代价,为了享有那一点点快乐会带来千倍的烦恼。
△H.VIII.1.1.98: “A proper title ofpeace,and purchased / At a superfluous rate!”好一个名义上的和平,而且还是付出了过高的代价才买来的!
2. estimated total,amount估算的总数,数目。
△2H.IV.4.1.21:“I judge theirnumber / Upon or near therate of thirty thousand.”我判断他们的人数大约或者接近三万。
3. value,esteem价值,评价。
△Rom.5.3. 301: “Thereshall no figure at such rate be set / As that of trueand faithful Juliet.” i.e. no statue of such value asthat of Juliet will be erected.将不会有任何一座塑像能像忠诚真实的朱丽叶的那座塑像那样富丽堂皇。
4. degree,worth等级,价值。
△Mid. 3.1.161 (154):“Iam a spirit of no common rate;”我不是一个寻常的精灵。5. manner of living,style 派头。
△Mer.1.1.127(126): “Nor do I now make moan to be abridged/From such a noble rate,”如今再也不能这样摆阔气,我也并不抱怨。
6. ❶value价值。
△H.VIII.3.2.127(126):“which / I find at such proud rate,”我发现这些东西价值极高(又译:数量极大)。


1. estimate,value估价,估量。
△Mer.3.2.258 (257):“Rating myself at nothing,”把我自己估量为一无所有。
2. calculate计算。
△ 2H.IV.1.3.44:“Then must werate the cost of the erection,”然后我们就要计算建筑的费用。
3. assess,assign the ransom of对…进行估价,指定…的赎金。
△2H.VI.4.1.30: “Rate me at what thou wilt,thou shalt be paid.”你任意指定我的赎金吧,我都会付给你的。
4. reckon,consider评定,认为。
△ L.L.L.5.2.787(779): “And in our maiden council rated them / Atcourtship,pleasant jest,and courtesy,”在我们这几个少女商议中认为,这不过是调情的手段,风趣的玩笑,礼貌的表示。


vt. 2
1. berate,chide,scold,reprove vehemently,re-proach,upbraid,revile 训斥,责骂,怒骂,严责,责备,责骂,谩骂。
△Rom.3.5.170 (169): “You are to blame,mylord,to rate her so.” 你这样骂她,老爷,是你的不对。
△Mer.1.3.108(107): “In the Rialto you have ratedme / About my moneys and my usances.”在商场上你辱骂我贪财盘剥。
△1H.IV.1.2.94 (83): “An old lord ofthe Council rated me the other day in the street aboutyou,sir,but I marked him not;”前天有一个枢密院的老爵士在大街上为了你把我骂了一顿,但我没有理他。
△ 2H.IV.3.1. 68: “Then checked and rated by Northumberland,”当时受到诺桑伯兰的训斥和责骂。
△2H.IV. 5. 2. 70:“What! Rate,rebuke,and roughly send to prison /The immediate heir of England?”怎么! 对于英国国王的直系继承人竟敢申斥、责骂、粗暴地送进监狱?
△ 2H.VI.3.2.56: “Why do you rate my Lord of Suffolk thus?”你为
△3H.VI.2.2.84:“Go rate thyminions!”去责骂你的左右亲信吧!
rate at: chide angrily,scold怒责,责骂。
△2H.VI.3.1.175:“Be thus upbraided,chid,and rated at,”这样受到训斥、责备和怒骂。
2. drive away by scolding,dismiss with abuse用叱骂赶走,用辱骂斥退。
△1H.IV.4.3.99: “Rated mine unclefrom the Council board,”用辱骂把我叔父从枢密院赶走。
△Shr.1.1.164 (160): “Affection is not rated fromthe heart.”爱情是不能从人的心里骂走的。


n. 比率,速度,等级 v.评价,认为,鉴定等级
◇at a rate速率
at any rate无论如何
at that rate那样的话
at the current rate以现行利率
at the rate价格
at the rate of按所述的比例
at this rate照这样
rate up向…征收高额保险费
rate with取得好感
‖ bank notes rate现钞汇率
basic freight rate基本费率
basic rate基本汇率
buying rate买入汇率
closing rate收盘汇率
conversion rate汇率
cross rate套算汇率
fixed rate固定汇率
floating rate浮动汇率
interest rate caps利率上限
interest rate floor利率下限
jobless rate失业率
mail transfer rate信汇汇率
middle rate中间汇率
minimum rate起码费率
not rated不可融资清偿的
official rate官方汇率
open rate议价运费
opening rate开盘汇率,开工率
rate against pound sterling英镑兑换率
rate between supply and demand of education教育供求率
rate bill计时学费制
rate calculation运价计算
rate cutting减低运费或保险费
rate deficiency grant税款短收补贴
rate descent等速下降
rate error速率
rate fixing规定比率
rate for advances on securities证券抵押垫款利率
rate for day-to-day loans日贷款率
rate for the job按工论酬
rate for the serve收费率
rate in force现行税率表
rate in foreign money外汇兑换率
rate in home money (currency)本币兑换率
rate limitation速度限制
rate of accumulation积累率
rate of adoption采购率
rate of advance前进速率rate of allowance津贴额
rate of annual年率
rate of assimilation同化率
rate of birth control计划生育率
rate of cadre at his post干部在位率
rate of call活期利率
rate of capital accumulation资本积累率
rate of capital turnover资金周转率
rate of capital utilization资本利用率
rate of change变化率,汇价
rate of climb上升率
rate of collection of accounts receivable应收账款收款率
rate of commission佣金率
rate of concession优惠率
rate of contribution供款率,供款额
rate of conversion兑换率
rate of deposit turnover存款周转率
rate of depreciation折旧率rate of diem 日率
rate of discount贴现率
rate of dividend股利率
rate of dollar美元汇率
rate of duty税率
rate of earnings on total capital employed总营运资本利润率
rate of estate duty遗产税率
rate of exchange兑换率,汇率
rate of exploitation剥夺率
rate of family planning计划生育率
rate of finished products成品率
rate of fire射速
rate of flow流量
rate of foreign exchange(外汇)汇率
rate of giving account支付汇率
rate of gross investment总投资率
rate of gross profit毛利率
rate of growth增长率rate of illiteracy文盲率
rate of increase增长率
rate of increment增长率
rate of inflation通货膨胀率rate of insurance保险费率
rate of interest per annum年利率
rate of interest利率
rate of investment投资率
rate of issue发行牌价
rate of learning学习速率
rate of literacy识字率
rate of loans贷款利率
rate of mail transfer信汇汇率
rate of march off road越野行军速度
rate of march行军速度
rate of margin毛利率rate of marriage结婚率
rate of natural growth自然增长率
rate of natural increase自然增加率
rate of net profit纯利率
rate of operation开工率
rate of payment to primary inputs最初投入支付率
rate of per annum年率
rate of premium升水率
rate of profitability收益率
rate of profit利润率
rate of real growth实际增长率
rate of redemption偿还率
rate of rediscount再贴现率
rate of return回报率,收益率
rate of return of higher education高等教育收益率
rate of return of school学校收益率
rate of return on capital资本收益率
rate of return on equity股本收益率rate of return on net worth净值收益率
rate of savings储蓄率
rate of speed速率
rate of store room rent expense仓租率
rate of stride步频
rate of striking划桨率
rate of stroke划桨频率
rate of subsidization补贴率
rate of surplus value剩余价值率
rate of tax (taxation)税率
rate of telegraphic transfer电汇汇率
rate of turnover周转率
rate of unemployment失业率
rate of usage使用率rate of utilization使用率
rate of working运营比率
rate of yield收益率
rate on a private bill私人汇票折扣率rate oneself调整速度以留后劲
rate payer纳税人
rate payment缴税
rate per annum年率
rate per cent利率
rate per diem日率
rate per mensem月率
rate prevailing on the international financial market国际金融市场利率
rate quotations现行运价表
rate range地方税范围
rate refund偿还税款
rate return tables报酬率表
rate risk利率风险
rate scale费率表,价目表
rate schedule税率表
rate sheet利率表
rate structure税率结构
rate support grant以地方税为来源的拨款,由地方税支付的补助
rate variance费率差异
rate war价格战
real effective exchange rate实际有效汇率
real effective exchange rate index实际有效汇率指数
real growth rate实际增长率
reduce the rate降低标准
selling rate卖出汇率
spot rate即期汇率
telegraphic transfer rate电汇汇率
through rate直通运价
rates n .地方税
rates and taxes地方税和国家税
rates clerk运价核算员
rates of wages per week周工资率
rates rebate (relief) 地方税减免
rated activity sampling评比作业抽样
rated altitude额定高度
rated burden额定负载
rated capacity额定功率,额定容量
rated flow(货币)额定流量
rated horsepower额定马力
rated load额定负载
rated man军士
rated officer具有航空技术等级的军官
rated pilot具有航空技术等级的飞行员
rated tax额定税率
rating n.等级,专业技术等级,评定等级,定额,测定值,收视率,收听率
rating certificate等级证明书
rating class length定级长比
rating of sound level声级评定
rating scale等级量表
rating scales method业绩评定表
ratings of perceived exertion自觉用力评分
ratings services收视率调查
ratable adj.应(纳)税的
ratable property应纳税产品,应纳税财产
ratable value征税估价,课税价格
ratal n.征税价格,纳税额
rateable adj.可评价的,按比例的
rateable property应纳税的产业
rateable value征税估定价值
rater n.评判人





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