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❶ (冷) cold: 饥 ~ 交迫 suffer [live in] hunger and cold;be poverty-stricken;
受了一点 ~ catch a slight cold;
天 ~ 地冻。 The weather is cold and the ground is frozen.
❷ (害怕;畏惧) afraid;fearful;tremble (with fear): 胆 ~ be terrified;
心 ~ be bitterly disappointed
❸ (贫困) poor;needy: 贫 ~ in indigent circumstances;poverty-stricken
❹ (谦辞: 寒微的) humble: ~ 舍 my humble home Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 朗 Han Lang
◆寒潮 {气} cold-air outbreak;cold wave;polar outbreak;
寒碜伧 ugly;unsightly;shabby;disgraceful;ridicule;put to shame;
寒窗苦读 studying at a cold window — the life of a poor scholar;persevere in one's studies in spite of hardships;
寒从中生 {中医} endogenous cold formation;
寒带 frigid zone;cold zone;
寒冬黑夜 It was a dark night in the dead of winter.;
寒冬腊月 severe winter;dead of winter;in the teeth of winter;in the deep mid-winter;in freezing winter;
寒冻作用 frost action;
寒呃 {中医} hiccup due to cold-evil;
寒风 cold wind;
寒风彻骨 The cold wind cuts somebody to the marrow.;A breath of wind chilled somebody to the bone.;The bitter wind cut somebody to the very bones.;
寒风刺骨 The cold wind penetrates one's bones.;[美]blow tomahawks;(felt) a cold wind cutting through one's flesh and bones;The cold wind chilled one to the bone.;The wind is piercingly cold.;
寒风凛冽 a piercing cold wind — bitterly cold;The (north) wind is piercingly cold.;
寒风透骨 The icy wind penetrated to the very bones.;
寒光闪闪 (The swords) glittered like frost and snow.;(The swords) glittered coldly (in the sunlight).;
寒花晚节 the cold flower in its ending — preserve one's personality in old age;keep one's integrity in one's closing years;like a chrysanthemum in late autumn;
寒荒漠 frigorideserta;
寒极 {气} cold pole;
寒季 dead season;
寒假 winter vacation [holidays];寒噤 shiver [shudder] (with cold or fear);
寒厥 {中医} cold limbs;
寒苦 destitute;poverty-stricken;in financial straits;
寒来暑往 Cold and heat succeed each other. — as time passes;as summer goes and winter comes;as the years roll on [go by];change of seasons;lapse of time;The cold comes and the heat departs.;the interchange of summer and winter;the vicissitudes [alteration] of the seasons;with the passage of time;year in and year out;
寒冷 cold;frigid;chill;frigidity;rigour;bitterly cold;
寒冷彻骨 be chilled to the marrow;Cold strikes into one's very marrow.;in shivering cold;
寒冷难熬 The bitter cold is unbearable.;
寒凉 cold and cool;
寒流 {气} cold current;cold wave;
寒流到来 the presence of the polar current — a cold wave;
寒露 {天} Cold Dew (17th solar term);
寒毛 fine [downy] hair on the human body;
寒梅斗雪 The plum trees in full bloom are braving the snow (in the depth of winter).;
寒梅吐幽 The winter plum trees exuded a fragrant smell.;
寒门 [书] [谦] my poor family;humble family;
寒门不幸 My humble home is unlucky.;
寒暖适宜 (Our great motherland) has a varied climate.;
寒气 cold air;cold draught;cold;
寒气刺骨 be chilled to the bone;The cold pierced one to the bone.;nip to the bone;
寒气侵肌 The cold air encroaches one's muscle.;
寒气袭人 The chill entered into the very flesh of the men.;
寒峭 [书] piercingly cold;There is nip in the air.;
寒热 {中医} chills and fever;
寒人心胆 make one's blood cold;
寒色 cool colour;
寒湿 cold-dampness;
寒食 the day before Pure Brightness when only cold food is served;
寒士 a scholar of little means;a poor scholar;
寒士欢颜 The poor scholar will rejoice.;
寒暑表 thermometer;
寒水石 gypsum rubrum;
寒素 [书] poor;destitute;
寒酸 (of a poor scholar in the old days) miserable and shabby;sorry;scrubby;
寒酸琐亵 poverty-stricken and contemptible;
寒酸相 miserable and shabby appearance;
寒土 dry frozen ground;
寒腿 [口] rheumatism in the legs;
寒微 [书] of low station;
寒微身世 of poor origin;
寒武纪 {地质} Cambrian period;
寒心 be bitterly disappointed;afraid;fearful;feel the blood running cold;
寒下 {中医} cold purgation;
寒邪 {中医} cold-evil;
寒性脓肿 cold abscess;
寒喧 exchange of conventional greetings;exchange of amenities [compliments];talk about the weather (upon meeting each other);
寒喧问好 exchange of conversational greetings;conversation about the weather;
寒鸦 corvus monedula dauuricus;jackdaw;
寒烟衰草 chilly mists and the fading plants;
寒烟锁堤 The chilly mist envelops the bank.;
寒烟锁柳 The cold mist enveloped the willows.;
寒夜 cold night;chilly night;
寒衣 winter clothing;
寒意 a nip [chill] in the air;
寒因寒用 {中医} treating pseudo-cold with cold drugs;
寒月照窗 The chill moonlight streams in through the window.;
寒战 shiver (with cold or fear);shakes;rigour;ague;phricasmus;
寒者热之 {中医} treating cold with hot drugs;
寒症 {中医} symptoms caused by cold factors (e.g. chill,slow pulse,etc.); 寒滞肝脉 {中医} accumulation of cold in liver channel







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