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单词 富贵浮云

富贵浮云fù guì fú yún

look upon (/regard)riches and honours as floating clouds; not moved by wealth and high position
❍ 不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。(《论语·述而》) Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud.
❍ 说李白没有辜负自己浮云富贵的志趣,能够宠辱不惊,全身而退。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》) Du Fu tried to smooth over this incident by saying that Li Bai looked upon his high position in court as no more than floating dust and that,although out of favour with the emperor,the poet retired calmly and gracefully preserving his integrity.

富贵浮云fù ɡuì fú yún

把富贵看得像浮云那样轻飘无定。regard honor and riches as floating clouds, not moved by wealth and high position





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