释义 |
performancen. 1. action行动。 △Oth. 4.2.184(182):“for your wordsand performances are no kin together.”因为你的言语和行动太不一致了。 △Mac.5.1.12(11):“In this slumberyagitation,besides her walking and other actual per-formances,what. at any time. have you heard hersay?”在这种睡眠不安之中,除了走路和别的动作之外,你可曾听见她说些什么? 2. execution,action实行.行动。 △2H. IV.2.4.283(260): “Is it not strange that desire should so manyyears outlive performance?”那件事儿早就干不了啦,欲望还这么旺盛,岂不是很奇怪吗? △H.VIII.1.2.207: “were heevil used.he would outgo His father by as much as aperformance Does an irresolute purpose.”如果他受到恶意对待,他做起事来就要超过他的父亲.绝不像他那样空想一番、犹豫不决,而是要大干一场。 |