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单词 mix
释义 mix1 /miks; miks/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 12B, 13B, 14, 2A, C] (of different substances, people, etc) put, bring or come together so that the substances, etc are no longer distinct; make or prepare (sth) by doing this: (指不同物质、人等)混合; 混在一起; 借混合以做成或调制成(某物): mix flour and water. 把面粉和水混合套一起。 The doctor mixed me a bottle of medicine/mixed a bottle of medicine for me. 医生为我配亍一瓶药。 We can sometimes mix business with pleasure. 我们有时候能把工作和享乐合在一起。 She was mixing (= preparing) a salad. 她正在调拌沙拉 (凉菜) 。 ou Qnd water don't mix. 油和水不相混合。 You can't mix oil with water. 你不能也油贞水相混合。 Many races are mixed in Hawaii. 在夏威夷,许多人种混合在一起。 2 [VP2A, 3A] mix (with), (of persons) come or be together in society: (指大) 交往; 相处: He doesn't mix well, doesn't get on well with' people, esp people of different social classes or different interests. 他不善与人相处 (尤指不善与社会阶级不同或兴趣不同的人相处) 。 3 [VP15B] mix sth/sb up (with sth/sb), mix thoroughly (with); confuse in the mind (with); be unable to distinguish (from): 完全混合; 使弄不清楚; 不能分辨: Mix up the salt with the pepper. 把盐和胡椒粉调合在一起。 Now you've mixed me up completely! completely confused me! 你可把我完全弄糊涂了! You're always mixing me up with my twin brother. 你老是分辨不出我和我的挛生哥哥 (弟弟) 。 be/get mixed up in/with sth, be involved in/with: 参与: Don't get mixed up in politics/mixed up with those politicians. keep clear of them. 不要参与政治活动 (不要和那些政客混杂在一起) o / don't want to be mixed up in the affair, I don't want to be connected with it in any way. 我不愿被牵涉到那件事中。 'mix-up n confused state: 混乱; 混侄: What a mix-up! 情形多混乱! There's been a bit of a mix-up about who should be invited to the party, some confusion and mistakes. 应该请谁参加宴会已经和点儿弄不清楚了。 'mixed-up adj mentally conf used; maladjusted: 糊涂的; 不适应的: He feels very mixed-up about life, cannot see clearly what principles, etc to adopt. 他对人生感到很迷瓦 I'm sorry'for these mixed-up kids, children who are confused by social problems. 我为这些无法适应社会的孩子们感割惋惜。




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