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单词 model
释义 model1 /'modi; 'modi/ n [C] 1 small-scale re production or representation of sth; design to be copied: 模型; 模样:~ n an ocean liner; 一艘海轮的模制; a clay or wax ~ for a statue, to be copied in stone or metal; 塑像的泥质或蜡质模型 (供制作石像或金属像时模仿用); (attrib) (形容用法) ~ aircraft/ trains. 模型飞机 (火车) 。 2 person or thing to be copied: 供模仿的人或物; 模范: He's a ~ of industry. 他是勤劳的获范。 Make yours on the ~ of your brother's. 你的所作所为要以你哥哥 (弟弟) 为模范。 3 (colloq) person or thing exactly like another: (俗) 极相似的人或物: She's the ~ /a perfect ~ of her mother. 她 (完全) 像她的母亲。 4 person who poses for sculptors, painters or photographers. 模特儿 (供雕塑家、画家或摄影家用者) 。 5 person employed to wear clothes, hats, etc so that prospective buyers may see them; mannequin. 时装模特儿 (穿着衣帽等以示顾客); 木头或蜡制的时装模特儿。 6 article of clothing, hat, etc shown publicly by ~ s (5). 模特儿表演时所穿着的衣帽等; 模特儿身上所展示的服饰: the latest Paris ~s, clothes, etc from the Paris dressmakers. 最新巴黎时装。 7 design or structure of which many copies or reproductions are (to be) made: 产品的型式: the latest ~s of Ford cars; 最新型的福特汽车; a 'sports ~, a car designed for fast driving. 黑争型汽车。 8 (attrib) perfect; deserving to be imitated: (形容用法) 完善的; 值得仿效的; 典型的: ~ behaviour; 模范行为; a ~ wife. 模范妻子。




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