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单词 peevish


1. perverse,wilful,obstinate,unreasonable乖僻的,任性的,固执的,不讲道理的。
△Gent. 3. 1 . 68: “she is pee-vish,sullen,froward,”她任性、脾气不好、倔强。
△Shr.5.2.158(157): “And when she is froward,peevish,sul-len,sour,”一旦她倔强,任性,愠怒,乖张。
△Ham.1.2100: “Why should we in our peevish opposition / Takeit to heart?” 我们又何必偏要固执作对,老记在心上呢?
△Oth.4.3.92(89): “Or else break out in peevishjealousies;”或者无缘无故醋劲大发。
△1H.VI.2.4.76: “Iscorn thee and thy fashion,peevish boy.”我蔑视你和你那一伙人,任性的小孩子。
△R.III.3.1.31:“Fie,what anindirect and peevish course / Is this of hers!”嗨,她这种行动是多么不老实、多么固执!
2. childish,childishly wayward,childishly querulous,headstrong幼稚的,不听话的,爱发孩子脾气的,倔强的。
△Gent.5.2.49: “Why,this it is to be a peevishgirl,”嘿,这真是一个不懂好歹的女孩子。
△1H.IV.3.1.197(196):“a peevish self-willed harlotry,”一个倔强不听话的小贱人。
△R.III.4.2.94(95): “I do remember me,Henry the Sixth / Did prophesy that Richmond shouldbe King,/ When Richmond was a little peevish boy.”我想起来了,里士满还是一个调皮小男孩的时候,亨利六世曾经预言说他会做国王。
3. fretful,petulant暴躁的,爱使性子的。
△Mer.1.1.85:“Sleep when he wakes? and creep into the jaundice /By being peevish?”为什么要在醒着的时候像睡去了一般? 为什么动不动就生闷气,把自己气出一场黄疸病来?
△As.3.5.110:“'Tis but a peevish boy—yet he talks well—”他只是个爱使性子的孩子,不过他很会讲话。
4. silly,foolish傻的,愚蠢的。
△H.V.3.7.147(132):“What a wretched and peevish fellow is this King ofEngland,”这个英格兰国王是一个多么可怜而愚蠢的人。
△1H.VI.3.1.92: “You of my household. leave thispeevish broil,”我家这一边的人,都离开这场愚蠢的扭打。
△3H.VI.5.6.18: “Why,what a peevish fool wasthat of Crete / That taught his son the office of afowl!”嘿,克里特岛的那个人真是大傻瓜,他竟把鸟儿飞翔的本领教给他的儿子!
△R.III.1.3.194(193):“Should all butanswer for that peevish brat (i.e. Rutland)?”全都不过是为那个傻小子作抵偿吗?
△Com.4.1.94(93): “thoupeevish sheep”,你这头蠢羊。(按:“sheep”与上文“ship” 谐音。)
△Com.4.4.116(114): “What wilt thou do,thou peevish officer?”你要干什么,你这愚蠢的警官?
5. senseless,trivial 无意义的,微不足道的。
△Oth.2.3186(184):“I cannot speak / Any beginning to this pee-vish odds,” 我说不清这一场无聊的争斗是怎样开始的。
△1H.VI.5.3.184(185):“That for thyself: I will notso presume / To send such peevish tokens to a king.”那是给你自己的,我可不愿贸然把这种微不足道的礼物送给一位国王。
6. rude无礼的。
△Tw.1.5.321(300):“Run after thatsame peevish messenger,”去追上那个无礼的使者。





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