n. great fear 畏惧。
△Lr .1.1.149 (147):“Think’st thou that duty shall have dread (i.e. befrightened) to speak / When power to flattery bows?”难道你以为“权势”屈从于“谄媚”,“责任”就吓得不敢开口了吗?
1. deeply respected,revered,venerable,awe-inspiring深受尊敬的.崇敬的,神圣庄严的,令人敬畏的。
△Ham.1.2.50: “My dread lord,” 崇敬的君主。
△Ham.2.2.28:“Put your dread pleasures more into command / Thanto entreaty.” 陛下有何御旨.尽管命令就是,无须请求。
△Ham. 3.4.108: “your dread command”,你的严命。
△H. V.1. 2.103: “Go,my dread lord,to your great-grandsire’s (i.e. Edward IlI’s) tomb,/ From whomyou claim;” (Henry makes his claim to the Frenchthrone as great-grandson of Edward III,whose moth-er Isabella was the daughter of Philip IV of France.)去吧,威严的主上,到你的曾祖父的陵墓那里,你的权利是从他那里继承下来的。
△2H. VI. 5.1. 17: “A messenger fromHenry,our dread liege,╱ To know the reason ofthese arms in peace;”我是我们崇敬的主上亨利的使者,前来问一问你在和平时期兴兵的理由。
△2H.VI.3.2.154:“thatdread King”,i.e.Christ那神圣庄严的万王之王。
△3H.VI.3.2.32:“Be pitiful,dread lord,and grantit then.”发发慈悲吧.尊敬的主上,那就恩准了吧。
△R.III.3. 1.97: “Well,my dread lord,so must I call you now.”很好,我的可敬畏的君主,现在我必须这样称呼你了。
2. dreadful,frightful,awful,terrible可怕的,可怖的。
△Ham.2.2. 486 (455): “this dread and black com-plexion”,他这漆黑可怖的外貌。
△Lr.2.2.130 (123):“And in the fleshment of this dread exploit. / Drewon me here again.”在这种骇人的行径中初试成功,越发猖狂,就在这里又向我拔出了剑。
△Oth.3.3. 357 (356): “Theimmortal Jove’s dread clamours counterfeit,”模仿着上天可怕的雷鸣。
△Mac.4.1.144:“Time,thou anticipa-test my dread exploits.”时间,你竟赶在我的狠毒行动之前,抢先了一步。
△R.III.1.3.191 (190):“Did York’s dreadcurse prevail so much with heaven”,难道约克的可怕的诅咒竟然说服了上天…。
vt. fear害怕。
△3H. VI. 2 . 6 . 92: “And havingFrance thy friend,thou shalt not dread / Thescatt’red foe that hope to rise again;”而且有了法兰西国王做你的朋友,你也就不必害怕被打翻在地的敌人再起来。
◇in dread of畏惧,害怕
in dread of one’s life担心有人企图谋害
‖ dreadful adj.可怕的,畏惧的,烦人的,讨厌的n.廉价书,刊
dreadfully adv. dreaded adj.非常可怕的