释义 |
northn. 1.north wind北风。 △Oth.5.2.218 (220):“No,I will speak as liberal as the north.”不,我要像北风一样自由地说话。 2. i.e. the cold and frosty regions,coldness,indiffer-ence北方;(转指)冰雪寒冷地区,寒冷,冷漠。 △Tw.3.2.28(26): “and you are now sailed into the north of mylady's opinion,” i.e. moved to the cold side of Olivia'sopinion,or into her disfavour.如今你在小姐的心里自然要被冷落了。 north[nɔ:θ]n.北,北方,北部,西北(的),东北(的) ‖ North Africa北非 North America北美洲 North-American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)北美自由贸易协定 North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA)北美自由贸易区 north arrow指北针 North Atlantic Cooperation Council北大西洋合作理事会 North Atlantic Council北大西洋理事会 North Atlantic Treaty北大西洋公约 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)北大西洋公约组织 north combined competition高山滑雪两项比赛 north gambit北方弃兵局 North German Confederation北德联盟 North Korean朝鲜 north latitude北纬 north magnetic pole北磁极 North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)北太平洋海洋科学组织 north pole北极 North-South dialogue南北对话 North-South Joint Declaration南北共同宣言 North-South Nuclear Joint Committee北南核控制联合委员会 North-South relations南北关系 South -North Coordinating committee南北协调委员会 War of the North 北方战争 north-east n.东北方 northern adj. northern latitude北纬 northern stroke单臂出水侧游 north-west n.西北 North1[nɔ:θ]n.诺茨[Frederick, Lord North,(1732~1792年),英国政治家]
North2[nɔ:θ]n. 诺茨[Sir Thomas, (1535?~1601年),英国翻译家] |