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单词 翻来复去

翻来复去翻来覆去fān lái fù qù

fret and toss; over and over again; toss about; toss and turn;toss restlessly (/uneasily/continually); turn from side to side (/this way and that/over and over)
❍ 每夜我躺在床上,都是~不能入睡。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》138)At night I used to lie in bed fretting and tossing,unable to get to sleep.
❍ 一面~地烤,一面涂擦酱油香料,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—204) While roasting,sauces and spices must be applied,and you must keep turning it round and round on the hook,…/他把那纺绸展开在床铺上,~仔细地看了一阵,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—208) He spread the silk out on his couch,looking it over and over with delight,…/领回土地证的那天夜里,老驾一通宵,~,没有睡落觉。(周立波《山乡巨变》137) The day he brought back the land deed,he tossed about the whole night and didn’t sleep a wink.
❍ 现在,他又把弹片放在手里玩弄着,~地端详着。(吴强《红日》40) Now he began handling it again,turning it this way and that and looking closely at it.
❍ 道静~思虑着,她的心既焦灼又痛苦。(杨沫《青春之歌》502) Worried and distressed,Daojing turned the matter over in her mind.

翻来复去fān lái fù qù

形容多次反复。也指在床上翻动身体。toss and turn, over and over again, turn from side to side, toss about, toss from side to side





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