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单词 doctor
doctor/′dɒktə(r), AmE ′dɑ:k-/ nv [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 医生,大夫(person who has been trained to attend sick people or animals) [C](缩写Dr):see a~(about a cut) 找医生看病(看刀伤);go to the~('s) 去看病;You'd better call the~if you are ill. 你若是病了,最好请医生。D~Johnson 约翰逊大夫;an animal/army~兽医/军医;Good morning,~. 大夫,您早。under the~(for an illness)(BrE)(infml) 在治疗中;〖同〗physician, surgeon, dentist;

(2) 博士 ((title of a) person who has gained the highest university degree in any subject)[C](缩写Dr):D~of Philosophy/Science/Literature/Letters/Medicine/Law 哲学/理学/文学/文学/医学/法学博士;doctor's degree 博士学位;

(3) 修理人(person who repairs things) [C](infml):a radio/bicycle~收音机/自行车修理人;

v (1) 医治(treat by giving or taking medicine) [I T+n](infml):He has been~ing there for many years. 他在那里行医已有多年。~a cold/a cut with aspirin 用阿斯匹林治感冒/刀伤;~a child (oneself) for a cold/a stomach-ache 给小孩(自己)治感冒/胃疼;〖同〗treat;

(2) 阉割(make(esp an animal)unable to breed)[T+n];

(3) 篡(涂)改(change(sth)for one's own advantage or in order to deceive)[T+n](infml):~the accounts涂改账目;~the election results/the evidence/the reports/one's draft-card 窜改选举结果/证据/报告/征兵证;~a play to suit the public 窜改剧本以迎合大众口味;〖同〗change, falsify, alter;

(4) 掺(有害物)(add sth harmful to (food or drink)) [T+n](infml):~sb's drink/sb's fruit juice with vodka在某人的饮料/果汁里掺入伏特加酒;

→′doctoral adj 博士的;′doctorate n 博士学位(头衔);′doctored adj 阉割的;

【注意】名词doctor当医生或博士讲时的缩写形式Dr 仅用于人名前,如:Dr Davidson(戴维森大夫/博士)。





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