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单词 一差二错

一差二错yī chā èr cuò

a possible mistake or mishap; if anything should happen to sb;in case of an accident; in case there is slip somewhere
❍ 只是一件: 孩子也大了,倘或你父亲有个~,又耽搁住了,……(《红楼梦》1497) Only one thing: the child is growing up,and if anything should happen to your father her marriage would be delayed.
❍ 有个~,我负不起责任!(梁斌《红旗谱》462)If anything happens to him,who’ll take the blame?/炮火连天的,他老人家要是有个~,咱们该指靠什么? (杜鹏程《保卫延安》117) With all this fighting and shooting going on—what if something happened to him?

一差二错yī chā èr cuò

可能发生的差错或失误。a possible mistake or mishap, there is a slip somewhere, one or two mistakes





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