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单词 儒学

儒学rú xuéConfucianism

爱人 [ài rén] love for people
爱无差等 [ài wú chā děnɡ] loving all uniformly
安 [ān] peacefulness of spirit
安其危 [ān qí wēi] making perils safepossessedness
安仁 [ān rén] resting in virtue; being content with virtue
安社稷 [ān shè jì] tranquilizing the state
邦无道 [bānɡ wú dào] badly-governed country
邦有道 [bānɡ yǒu dào] well-governed country
保民 [bǎo mín] protecting the people
本末 [běn mò] root and branch
必敬 [bì jìnɡ] always with respectfulness
辟言 [pì yán] restraining from inflammatory words
避世 [bì shì] retreating from the world
避邪 [bì xié] avoiding evil influences
辨惑 [biàn huò] uncovering delusions
博学 [bó xué] extensive learning/study
博以文 [bó yǐ wén] expanding the mind with learning
不报无道 [bú bào wú dào] not revenging unreasonable conduct
不耻下问 [bú chǐ xià wèn] not feel shame to ask of and learn from one’s inferior
不党 [bú dǎnɡ] non-partisan
不动而敬 [bú dònɡ ér jìnɡ] inspiring respect without acting
不费 [bú fèi] without great expenditure
不惑 [bú huò] without doubts/suspicions
不骄 [bù jiāo] without pride
不惧 [bú jù] without fear
不陵下 [bú línɡ xià] not treat one’s inferior with contempt
不猛 [bú měnɡ] without fierceness
不迁怒 [bú qiān nù] not transferring anger
不仁 [bù rén] without the virtues proper to humanity
不贪 [bú tān] without greed
不忘 [bú wànɡ] without forgetfulness
不习 [bú xí] not practised
不信 [bú xìn] insincere
不言而信 [bù yán ér xìn] inspiring confidence without words
不义 [bú yì] contrary to right conduct
不忧 [bú yōu] without anxiety
不逾矩 [bú yú jǔ] without transgressing what is right
不援上 [bú yuán shànɡ] not courting the favor of superiors
不怨 [bú yuàn] uncomplaining
不怨天 [bú yuàn tiān] without complaints to Heaven
不知类 [bù zhī lèi] ignorance of the relative importance of things
不忠 [bù zhōnɡ] disloyal
不愠 [bú yùn] not indignant
不愆 [bú qiān] without transgression
察其所安 [chá qí suǒ ān] examining that which contents/pacifies one
长戚戚 [chánɡ qī qī] constantly distressed
成于乐 [chénɡ yú yuè] complete one’s upbringing with Music
诚明 [chénɡ mínɡ] knowledge following from sincerity
充塞仁义 [chōnɡ sè rén yì] full of benevolence and righteousness
崇德 [chónɡ dé] exalting virtue
聪 [cōnɡ] quick apprehension
达道 [dá dào] the universal truth
达德 [dá dé] the universal virtue
得志 [dé zhì] attaining one’s purpose
弟 [dì] playing the part of a respectful and obedient brother
定 [dìnɡ] determination
动心忍性 [dònɡ xīn rěn xìnɡ] stimulating oneself, but controlling one’s presence of mind
独善其身 [dú shàn qí shēn] attending to one’s own goodness in solitude
笃行 [dǔ xínɡ] work perseveringly
笃志 [dǔ zhì] having a firm and sincere aim
饿其体肤 [è qí tǐ fū] exposing one’s body to hunger
发愤忘食 [fā fèn wànɡ shí] so eager to study that one forgets about food
反省而诚 [fǎn xǐnɡ ér chénɡ] becoming sincere after self-examination
犯上 [fàn shànɡ] offending one’s superiors
泛爱众 [fàn ài zhònɡ] overflowing with love for all
放淫辞 [fànɡ yín cí] banishing licentious expressions
放于利而行 [fànɡ yú lì ér xínɡ] acting with an eye open for advantages
夫妇有别 [fū fù yǒu bié] the attention paid to the proper and different roles of husband and wife
服其劳 [fú qí láo] bearing the burden of laborious matters
富贵不能淫 [fù ɡuì bù nénɡ yín] unable to be lewd or corrupted by the power of riches and position
刚 [ɡānɡ] unyielding
格物 [ɡé wù] investigation and research of things
恭 [ɡōnɡ] reverent; respectful
恭而安 [ɡōnɡ ér ān] respectful yet composed
孤臣孽子 [ɡū chén niè zǐ] the last surviving loyal minister and the final heir
寡悔 [ɡuǎ huǐ] few occasions for regret
寡尤 [ɡuǎ yóu] few occasions for blame
寡欲 [ɡuǎ yù] lessening desires
观 [ɡuān] self-contemplation; self-introspection
观其所由 [ɡuān qí suǒ yóu] marking another’s motives
观其行 [ɡuān qí xínɡ] observing one’s conduct
观其志 [ɡuān qí zhì] observing one’s will or ambitions
归仁 [ɡuī rén] turning to a goal of benevolence
果 [ɡuǒ] determined decision
好礼 [hào lǐ] thoroughly like propriety
好勇 [hǎo yǒnɡ] loving valor
好战 [hào zhàn] fond of war
和为贵 [hé wéi ɡuì] peacefulness is prized
衡于虑 [hénɡ yú lǜ] although perplexed, but still balanced
弘毅 [hónɡ yì] liberal-mindedness and vigorous endurance
后义 [hòu yì] putting righteousness last
怀德 [huái dé] cherishing virtue
怀惠 [huái huì] cherishing favors/favours
怀刑 [huái xínɡ] having a fear of the law
己欲达而达人 [jǐ yù dá ér dá rén] developing oneself, and seeking also to develop others
己欲立而立人 [jǐ yù lì ér lì rén] establishing oneself, and seeking also to establish others
兼爱 [jiān ài] loving all equally
兼善天下 [jiān shàn tiān xià] making the whole world full of goodness in joining with it
骄且吝 [jiāo qiě lìn] proud and stingy
节用 [jié yònɡ] frugality; careful use of resources
竭其力 [jié qí lì] exerting one’s utmost strength
矜而不争 [jīn ér bù zhēnɡ] being dignified and not inclined to arguing
谨而信 [jǐn ér xìn] prudent and truthful
进取 [jìn qǔ] advancing and laying hold of (truth)
进以礼 [jìn yǐ lǐ] going well-mannered into office
近思 [jìn sī] thinking with self-application
近忧 [jìn yōu] sorrow near at hand
尽其心 [jìn qí xīn] employing all of one’s mental
尽心 [jìn xīn] using one’s mind to the utmost
尽性 [jìn xìnɡ] full development of human nature
静 [jìnɡ] calmness of mind
敬 [jìnɡ] respect
敬老慈幼 [jìnɡ lǎo cí yòu] respecting the old and being kind to the young
敬事 [jìnɡ shì] reverent attention paid to work
据于道 [jù yú dào] holding onto that which is good
君臣有义 [jūn chén yǒu yì] the appropriate sense of righteousness between sovereign and minister
君为轻 [jūn wéi qīnɡ] The sovereign is the least important.
克己复礼 [kè jǐ fù lǐ] controlling oneself and observing polite ways
克明峻德 [kè mínɡ jùn dé] make one’s virtuous eminence known
空乏其身 [kōnɡ fá qí shēn] subjecting oneself to extreme poverty
苦其心志 [kǔ qí xīn zhì] suffering with one’s mind
宽柔以教 [kuān róu yǐ jiào] showing forbearance and gentleness in teaching
狂简 [kuánɡ jiǎn] ambitious, but hasty
困于心 [kùn yú xīn] distressed in mind
劳力 [láo lì] laboring with strength
劳其筋骨 [láo qí jīn ɡǔ] toiling with one’s sinews and bones
劳心 [láo xīn] laboring with the mind
老者安之 [lǎo zhě ān zhī] giving rest to the aged
乐山 [lè shān] enjoying (scenic) hills
乐水 [lè shuǐ] enjoying (scenic) lakes and streams
乐天 [lè tiān] delighting in the world
乐以忘忧 [lè yǐ wànɡ yōu] so joyful (over something) that one forgets his sorrow
利 [lì] profit; profitability
立命 [lì mìnɡ] recognize and develop one’s being
立于礼 [lì yú lǐ] behavior established by the Rule of Propriety
力行进乎仁 [lì xínɡ jìn hū rén] Practising in earnest, one draws near benevolence.
良臣 [liánɡ chén] good ministers
临事而惧 [lín shì ér jù] proceeding to action with fear or anxiety
令色 [lìnɡ sè] assumed appearance; insinuating expression
虑 [lǜ] deliberation
率性 [shuài xìnɡ] according to/following what is natural
乱本 [luàn běn] confuse the basis of something
敏而好学 [mǐn ér hào xué] having an active nature and liking learning
敏于事 [mǐn yú shì] earnest in one’s doings
敏于行 [mǐn yú xínɡ] quick in action
明 [mínɡ] clear in discernment; brilliance; brightness
明辨 [mínɡ biàn] clear discrimination
明诚 [mínɡ chénɡ] sincerity following from knowledge
明明德 [mínɡ mínɡ dé] illustrate illustrious virtue
明人伦 [mínɡ rén lún] clarifying human relations
命 [mìnɡ] fate; destiny; the will of God
木讷 [mù nè] simple and modest in speech
讷于言 [nè yú yán] slow in speech
内省 [nèi xǐnɡ] self-examination
内自省 [nèi zì xǐnɡ] turning inward and examining oneself
内荏 [nèi rěn] inwardly weak
朋友信之 [pénɡ yǒu xìn zhī] making one’s friends believe one
朋友有信 [pénɡ yǒu yǒu xìn] trust between friends
匹夫之勇 [pǐ fū zhī yǒnɡ] the valor of a common man
贫贱不能移 [pín jiàn bù nénɡ yí] not swayed because of poverty and mean conditions
齐家 [qí jiā] keep a family in order
巧言 [qiǎo yán] beguiling words
切磋 [qiē cuō] cutting and polishing (to cultivate oneself)
切问 [qiè wèn] inquiring earnestly and appropriately
亲民 [qīn mín] treat the people as one would treat one’s family
亲亲 [qīn qīn] loving one’s family and relatives
亲仁 [qīn rén] make friends with good persons
求其放心 [qiú qí fànɡ xīn] seeking for a carefree mind
求生以害仁 [qiú shēnɡ yǐ hài rén] seeking to live at the expense of virtuous ways
去谗 [qù chán] getting rid of slander
去仁 [qù rén] abandoning benevolence
去人伦 [qù rén lún] banishing human relationships
群 [qún] sociability
群而不党 [qún ér bù dǎnɡ] sociable rather than a partisan
仁 [rén] perfect virtue; benevolence; goodness
仁声 [rén shēnɡ] reputation for kindness
仁言 [rén yán] kind/benevolent words
仁义 [rén yì] humaneness and righteousness
人爵 [rén jué] the nobility of man; official titles
人侮之 [rén wǔ zhī] being demeaned by others
任重 [rèn zhònɡ] accepting a heavy burden
柔 [róu] mildness; pliancy
儒家 [rú jiā] Confucianism
睿智 [ruì zhì] being able to perceive the deepest truths both quickly and accurately
三省吾身 [sān xǐnɡ wú shēn] reflecting upon oneself, regarding three points
三思而后行 [sān sī ér hòu xínɡ] think thrice and then act
色厉 [sè lì] stern appearance
杀身以成仁 [shā shēn yǐ chénɡ rén] sacrificing one’s life to preserve one’s virtue
尚志 [shànɡ zhì] aspiring to some goal
少者怀之 [shào zhě huái zhī] caring tenderly for the young
舍生取义 [shě shēnɡ qǔ yì] letting go of life and choosing righteousness instead
审问 [shěn wèn] accurate inquiry
慎 [shèn] caution; prudence
慎思 [shèn sī] careful reflection
慎于言 [shèn yú yán] careful in one’s speech
生于忧患 [shēnɡ yú yōu huàn] life springing from sorrow and calamity
省刑罚 [shěnɡ xínɡ fá] being reserved in the use of punishments and fines
施仁政 [shī rén zhènɡ] setting up a benevolent government for the people
使民以时 [shǐ mín yǐ shí] employment of the people at proper times
侍父母 [shì fù mǔ] serving the parents
述而不作 [shù ér bú zuò] be an interpreter rather than an author
思无邪 [sī wú xié] without depraved thoughts
死于安乐 [sǐ yú ān lè] death resulting from pleasure
天道 [tiān dào] the way of heaven
天地之化育 [tiān dì zhī huà yù] the transforming and nourishing powers of Heaven and Earth
天爵 [tiān jué] the nobility of Heaven (moral greatness)
天之所覆 [tiān zhī suǒ fù] everything under heaven
同而不和 [tónɡ ér bù hé] adulatory, but not affable
退以义 [tuì yǐ yì] retiring from office with the right attitude
威而不猛 [wēi ér bú měnɡ] majestic yet not fierce
威武不能屈 [wēi wǔ bù nénɡ qū] not bent by power or force
危行 [wēi xínɡ] lofty and bold actions
危言 [wēi yán] lofty and bold speech
违仁 [wéi rén] acting contrary to benevolent ways
为政以德 [wéi zhènɡ yǐ dé] exercising government by means of virtue
畏天 [wèi tiān] standing in awe of Heaven
温而厉 [wēn ér lì] mild and yet dignified
温故 [wēn ɡù] reviewing knowledge already acquired
无道 [wú dào] without the principles of truth and right; unprincipled course of action
无恶 [wú è] without wickedness
无骄 [wú jiāo] without pride
无倦 [wú juàn] without weariness
无曲防 [wú qū fánɡ] follow no crooked policy in making embankments
无违 [wú wéi] not disobedient
无忧 [wú yōu] without cause for grief
无谄 [wú chǎn] without flattery
毋必 [wú bì] without arbitrary necessities
毋固 [wú ɡù] without obstinacy
毋我 [wú wǒ] without egoism
毋意 [wú yì] without foregone conclusions
毋自欺 [wú zì qī] without self-deception
息邪说 [xī xié shuō] putting an end to perverse doctrines
下乔木而入幽谷 [xià qiáo mù ér rù yōu ɡǔ] descending from lofty trees to enter dark valleys-from a good circumstance to a bad/reduced one
先利 [xiān lì] putting self-advantage first
先慎乎德 [xiān shèn hū dé] being careful at first about morals
先行其言 [xiān xínɡ qí yán] acting before speaking
乡愿 [xiānɡ yuàn] indifferent and ambivalent attitude; hypocrite
小人犯刑 [xiǎo rén fàn xínɡ] Inferior man violates the penal code.
孝弟 [xiào dì] filial piety and brotherly giving-in
邪说 [xié shuō] perverse doctrine
心戒 [xīn jiè] always with carefulness
信 [xìn] truthfulness; sincerity
信而好古 [xìn ér hào ɡǔ] believing in and admiring the ancients
兴 [xīnɡ] stimulate the mind
兴邦 [xīnɡ bānɡ] making a country prosperous
兴于诗 [xīnɡ yú shī] (the mind is) aroused by the Odes
形 [xínɡ] outward appearance
行 [xínɡ] behavior
行拂乱其所为 [xínɡ fú luàn qí suǒ wéi] try one by frustrating one’s undertakings
行顾言 [xínɡ ɡù yán] actions consistent with words
行怪 [xínɡ ɡuài] practising wonders
修身 [xiū shēn] disciplining oneself; cultivating one’s personal character
羞恶之心义也 [xiū wù zhī xīn yì yě] feel shameful and to have dislike reflect a sense of righteousness.
恤孤 [xù ɡū] treating orphans with compassion
学而不厌 [xué ér bú yàn] studying without weariness/boredom
学而时习之 [xué ér shí xí zhī] constant reviewing/practicing of that already studied
言而有信 [yán ér yǒu xìn] reliable/trustworthy words
言顾行 [yán ɡù xínɡ] words consistent with actions
言性 [yán xìnɡ] discourse about man’s nature
殃民 [yānɡ mín] persecuting the people
养民 [yǎnɡ mín] caring for the people
养其性 [yǎnɡ qí xìnɡ] nourishing one’s nature
养心 [yǎnɡ xīn] nourishing the mind
一朝之患 [yì zhāo zhī huàn] sudden calamity
一瓢饮 [yī piáo yǐn] single gourd container of drink
一以贯之 [yī yǐ ɡuàn zhī] all-encompassing unity/principle
一治一乱 [yī zhì yī luàn] period of good order followed by one of confusion
一箪食 [yī dān shí] with only a single dish of rice -very poor
依于仁 [yī yú rén] stick to benevolent ways
以道殉身 [yǐ dào xùn shēn] giving up one’s principles for the sake of one’s life
以德报德 [yǐ dé bào dé] responding to kindness with kindness
以德报怨 [yǐ dé bào yuàn] responding to a slight with kindness
以身殉道 [yǐ shēn xùn dào] giving up one’s life for the sake of one’s principles
以文会友 [yǐ wén huì yǒu] meeting friends out of literary writing
以友辅仁 [yǐ yǒu fǔ rén] promoting benevolence by friendship
以彰有德 [yǐ zhānɡ yǒu dé] giving distinction to the virtuous
以直报怨 [yǐ zhí bào yuàn] responding to a slight with justice
艺 [yì] art; ability; skill
毅 [yì] perseverance
义 [yì] justice; righteousness; always with reverence
义以为质 [yì yǐ wéi zhì] righteousness as an essential nature
庸德之行 [yōnɡ dé zhī xínɡ] earnest practice of ordinary virtues
庸言之谨 [yōnɡ yán zhī jǐn] careful in ordinary speech
永言配命 [yǒnɡ yán pèi mìnɡ] trying to be in agreement with the will of Heaven
勇 [yǒnɡ] boldness; courage
尤人 [yóu rén] blaming others
游于艺 [yóu yú yì] finding relaxation and enjoyment in the arts
有别 [yǒu bié] able to differentiate; able to discriminate
有敬 [yǒu jìnɡ] able to command respect
有容 [yǒu rónɡ] possess forbearance
有执 [yǒu zhí] able to maintain a firm hold on
愚 [yú] foolishness; stupidity
喻于义 [yù yú yì] familiarity with what is right [especially public welfare and interest]
御暴 [yù bào] guard against violence
豫则立 [yù zé lì] success following from adequate preparation
远耻辱 [yuǎn chǐ rǔ] keeping away from shame and disgrace
远虑 [yuǎn lǜ] caring about what is distant
远怨 [yuǎn yuàn] keeping from being the object of resentment
怨 [yuàn] express feelings of resentment
怨天 [yuàn tiān] complaining to/against Heaven
约以礼 [yuē yǐ lǐ] restraining oneself out of propriety
在新民 [zài xīn mín] stir up new people; exhorting people to be good
责难于君 [zé nàn yú jūn] urging one’s sovereign to attempt the difficult achievements
责善 [zé shàn] urging the betterment of what is good
择善固执 [zé shàn ɡù zhí] choosing what is good, and holding onto it
增益其所不能 [zēnɡ yì qí suǒ bù nénɡ] compounding one’s incompetence
战喻 [zhàn yù] citing an illustration from war
长幼有序[zhǎnɡ yòu yǒu xù] the proper formailties between young and old
正而不谲 [zhènɡ ér bú jué] being honest rather than crafty
正人心 [zhènɡ rén xīn] setting men’s hearts in line
正心 [zhènɡ xīn] amending the heart
知本 [zhī běn] knowing and understanding the basis of something
知人 [zhī rén] acquiring an understanding of men
知天命 [zhī tiān mìnɡ] knowing the fate decreed by Heaven
知新 [zhī xīn] continually acquiring new knowledge
知之至 [zhī zhī zhì] perfection of knowledge
止于至善 [zhǐ yú zhì shàn] rest only when the highest excellence is reached
志于道 [zhì yú dào] set one’s will on the path of truth; set on what is right
志于仁 [zhì yú rén] directing the mind to benevolence; determined to be benevolent
至诚 [zhì chénɡ] perfect sincerity
至德 [zhì dé] reaching the highest point of virtuous activity
致知 [zhì zhī] reach toward the greatest knowledge and understanding
致中和 [zhì zhōnɡ hé] attain to a state of equilibrium and harmony
智 [zhì] knowledge; wisdom
治国 [zhì ɡuó] govern a state well
中立而不倚 [zhōnɡ lì ér bú yǐ] standing straight in the middle without leaning to either side
中庸 [zhōnɡ yōnɡ] Golden Mean
忠 [zhōnɡ] loyalty; honesty; devotion
终始 [zhōnɡ shǐ] end and beginning; basis and extension
主忠信 [zhǔ zhōnɡ xìn] holding loyalty and sincerity as one’s foremost principles
着其善 [zhuó qí shàn] displaying what is good
自暴者 [zì bào zhě] those who do violence to themselves with superiority complex
自弃者 [zì qì zhě] those who throw themselves away because of inferiority complex
自谦 [zì qiān] humble oneself
自侮 [zì wǔ] demeaning oneself
尊德乐义 [zūn dé lè yì] honor virtue and enjoy right conduct
尊贤 [zūn xián] honoring men of virtue and talent
尊贤育才 [zūn xián yù cái] honoring the worthy and raising the talented
作乱 [zuò luàn] rebellion; stirring up confusion

儒学ru xue

❶Confucian studies
❷ government-run Confucian schools at county and prefectural levels in the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties

儒学ru xue

Confucian studies;government-run Confucian schools at county and prefectural levels in the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties


Confucian school







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