儒rú ❶ (儒家) Confucianism; Confucianist ❷ (旧时指读书人) scholar; learned man: 腐 ~ pedantic scholar ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 光 Ru Guang Ⅱ [书] ❶ (懦弱的) cowardly ❷ (愚昧无知的) ignorant ❸ (缓慢的) slow ◆儒家 the Confucian school; the Confucianists; 儒将 a general who is an equally accomplished man of letters; 儒教 Confucianism; 儒林 the scholars' circle; 儒略历 {天} Julian calendar; 儒生 [旧] Confucian scholar; 儒雅 [书] learned and refined |