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单词 一尘不染

一尘不染yī chén bù rǎn

be unsullied by dust;not be stained (/soiled) with a particle (/speck)of dust; pure-hearted; pure-minded; spotless;uncontaminated; be undefiled
❍ 我想他~,是保得住的了,岂知风波顿起,比林妹妹死的更奇! (《红楼梦》1454)I thought she at least,unsullied by dust,would stay here; yet this sudden storm carried her off even more unexectedly than Cousin Lin.
❍ 他非常爱惜自己的 “丰采”,穿着一身毛质的潇洒的长袍,~,……(曹禺《明朗的天》 12) He takes painstaking care of his appearance. He wears a pair of well-creased Eur opean-style pants underneath a long woolen gown,cosy and spotlessly clean.
❍ 半空中绕嗈嗈鸞吟凤啸, 两壁厢列森森虎伏龙眠,端的是~。(洪昇《长生殿》)In mid air phoenixes chirp,|And on all sides dragons and tigers couch; |There is not a speck of earthly dust or dross.


not soiled by a speck of dust;spotless;pure-minded;pure-hearted;clean-handed

一尘不染yī chén bù rǎn

染:沾染。佛教把色、声、香、味、触、法等称为“六尘”。原指佛教徒修行,摒除杂念,保持心地清净,不被“六尘”所染,就叫“一尘不染”;现多比喻为官清廉,没有一点污点;也比喻环境非常整洁干净。not stained with a particle of dust, spotless, not soiled by a speck of dust, remain uncontaminated





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