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单词 line


1. row,file; station,category行列,纵列;地位,范畴。
△1H.IV.3.2.85: “And in that very line,Harry,standest thou,”而你,哈利,现在正站在这个地位上。
2. disposition意向。
△2H.IV.4.4.39: “But,beingmoody,give him line and scope.”但是,他生气的时候,就由着他的性子去闹腾。(按: line 又作 time。)
3. rank,degree,status等级,身份,地位。
△1H.IV.1.3168:“To show the line and the predicament”,指出…地位和品类。
4. lineage,pedigree,genealogy 家系,血统,家谱。
△H.V.1.2.84: “By the which marriage the line ofCharles the Great / Was re-united to the crown ofFrance.”由于这种婚姻关系,查理曼大帝的世系才又跟法国的工冠重新结合在 一起 。
△H.V.2.4.88: “He sends you thismost memorable line,”他把这一份最值得重视的王室家谱送给你看。
△3H.VI.1.1. 19: “Such hope have all theline of John of Gaunt!”但愿约翰·刚特的全体后人都得到这样的结果!
△3H.VI.1.3.32: “And till I root outtheir accursed line,/ And leave not one alive,I live in hell. ”我若不把他们这个该死的一家血统连根断绝,不留一个人活着,我就像生活在地狱之中。
5. the equator赤道。
under the line: under the equator,on the equator在赤道之下,在赤道上。
△H.VIII.5.4.44 (5.3.42): “allthat stand about him are under the line,they need noother penance.”凡是站在他周围的人就等于站在赤道上,他们不需要别的什么苦行来赎罪了。


1.provide with a lining(for warmth)加上衬里(保暖)。
△As.3.2.112 (105): “Winter garments must belined. / So must slender Rosalind.”冬天的衣裳加上衬里才保温,也不能冻坏了娇怯怯的罗萨琳。
2. (lit.) provide a lining,pad,stuff,supply (withmoney,gifts,etc.)为…加上衬里,衬填,把…填满,(以金钱、礼物等)供给。
△Oth.1.1.53: “and when they havelined their coats,/ Do themselves homage.”当他们把自己的衣袋塞满(又译:捞足了油水)的时候,就只知道尊敬他们自己了。
3. support,strengthen,fortify,rein force支持,加强,增强,增援。
△Mac.1.3.112:“or did line the rebelWith hidden help and vantage,” (the rebel: Macdon-wald.)还是暗中支持叛逆,予以便利。
△ 2H.IV.1.3.27:“who lined himself with hope,/ Eating the air,andpromise of supply,”他靠空话过日子,把希望和援兵的诺言当做增强自己的力量。
△1H.IV.2.3.86 (81): “I fear mybrother Mortimer doth stir / About his title,and hathsent for you /To line his enterprise,”我担心我的兄弟摩提麦又在为他的王位权利而活动,叫你去支援他的事情。
△H.V.2.4.6:“And you,Prince Dauphin,with all swiftdispatch,/ To line and new repair our towns of war”,还有你,王太子,也要火速出发,去增援前方,重新整修那些战略重镇的防务。
4. draw,delineate,sketch描画,描绘,描出。
△As.3.2.98 (92):“All the pictures fairest lined”,一幅幅描绘得最美丽的图画。


n. 方针,路线,航线,界线,(诗)行,大宗股票,横队,停机线,线条,乐谱线,轮廓,方法,台词,行业,定期班船 (轮、机),商品v.排队,画线,装衬里,排成一行,使有线条
◇a line of一排/ a line on关于…的观念all along the line各方面
along ...line按照…方向
be lined by (with)旁边
bring... into line使…排齐
by rule and line准确地,精密地
come into line排齐,一致
down the line完全地,往市中心(去)的
draw the line at反对
form in line排成纵队,站好队
hew to line服从纪律
in (a) line成一行,一致,协调
in line with跟…一致,符合
line one’s pocket中饱私囊
line up站队,列队
on line在线,上网
on the line油画挂在观众视觉水平线上的out of one’s line不擅长,与某人无关
read between the lines体会言外之意
roughly in line with大体一致
take a strong line干得起劲
‖ artificial line人为界线
erroneous line错误路线
hot line热线
hot line agreement “热线”协议
line ahead一路纵队
line along ridge嵴线
line and colour线与色
line and staff relation直属与幕僚
line and wash drawing铅笔淡水彩画
line art艺术线条
line astern舰队纵列前进,纵队
line ball触线球
line boundary线框
line cargo空载货物
line chart曲线图
line chief机场保养组组长
line contour谱线轮廓
line core谱线核心
line cross传球过线,侵入球门区
line dancers剧情发展脉络
line division正规防御师
line drawing素描,线条画,勾线
line drawing brush画线笔刷
line drive平直球,边线球,直线球
line engraving线雕画,线刻
line extension产品线扩展
line filling产品线填充
line formation横队
line hypothesis直线假设
line image线条影像
line interference线路干扰
line judge司线员
line judge for floor视线员,自由体操视线员
line justification齐行
line management由上而下的管理
line markings水线标志
line of action剧情发展线,作战方案
line of advance前进路线
line of aim瞄准线
line of attack进攻路线
line of balance身体假想平衡线
line of ball(马球)球行线
line of battle战线
line of bearing飞机航向
line of beauty线条美
line of bomb release投弹线
line of business专业线
line of command指挥系统
line of communication交通线,通信系统
line of conduct行为准则
line of constant direction等角线
line of course航线
line of credit贷款限额,授信额度
line of defence防线
line of departure掷线
line of direction射向,目标线
line of elevation发射线,射线
line of engagement交叉线
line of fencing击剑路线
line of flight飞行路线,航线
line of interception截击线
line of masses密集横队
line of operations作战线
line of outposts警戒线
line of position高低线
line of projection掷线
line of regression回归线
line of retirement退却方向
line of scrimmage争球线
line of shadow画面上明暗分界线
line of sight 瞄准线,高低线,视线
line-of-sight coverage视距
line-of-sight radar直视雷达
line-of-sight range视距
line of slope两点之间的斜线
line of start出发线
line of supply补给线
line of travel滑行方向
line of trend趋势线
line of vision视觉线,视线
line official业务主管
line organization业务组织
line out界外球
line out play争界外球的打法
line pass横传,直线传(球),沿边线球
line production流水作业
line rehearsal台词彩排
line scanning laser camera行扫描激光摄像机
line shop机场修理所
line spacing谱线密度
line stretching产品线延伸
line supervisor生产线主管
line troops战斗部队
line umpire司线员,视线员
line up a wall筑人墙
line violation侵区犯规
line with the head头的延长线
picture in line线条画
raised line弦纹
the line of duty值勤,公务
visual line视线
lines of body线条
lining for start排齐出发
lining of bottom池底线
lining pinning直线牵制
lineage n.广告费
lineal[ˈliniəl]adj. 直系的,正统的
lineal designs直线构成的图案
lineament[ˈliniəmənt]n. 面貌,面部轮廓
linear action线性作用
linear algebra线性代数
linear art线条艺术
linear associative线性结合
linear bomb bay滑轨式弹舱
linear causal model线性因果模型
linear change线性变化
linear combination线性组合
linear constant线性常数
linear control theory线性控制理论
linear correlation线性相关
linear counterpoint线条对位
linear decision rule线性决策规则
linear defense线性防御
linear definition线条轮廓
linear dependence线性依赖
linear formation直线队形
linear function线性函数
linear function线性函数
linear motion线性运动,直线运动
linear movement线性动作
linear ordering线性序
linear perspection直线透视法
linear plot直线型情节
linear programme直线式程序
linear regression线性回归
linear regression analysis线性回归分析
linear system线性系统
linear theory线性理论
linear transformation线性转换
linear trend线性趋势
lineation n.画线,标线,轮廓
lined adj.画线的,脸上有皱纹的
liner n.平直球,衬垫,画线笔,唱片封套
lines n.惩罚性作业
linesman n. (橄榄球)裁判,司线员,巡边员
line-up n. 上场队员名单
line-up ticket上场队员位置表





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