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get (pa. t. got or gat; pa. p. got or gotten)vt. 1. obtain,gain,earn 获得,得到,挣得。 △As.3.2.78(73):“I earn that I eat,get that I wear,”我挣我吃的饭,挣我穿的衣。 2. capture,win 夺得,赢得。 △1H.VI.3.2. 84:“So sureI swear to get the town or die.”我也同样肯定地发誓不夺回这座城市就不活着。 3. cause,manage 促使,设法。 △1H .VI.1.4.24: “Howwert thou handled,being prisoner?/ Or by whatmeans gots thou to be released?” (gots: pa.t.gott’st.got,i. e. managed)你做了俘虏,受到怎样的待遇? 你又是想什么办法获得释放的? 4. beget, be the father of (父亲)生(子女),做…的父亲, △Mac.1.3.67: “Thou shalt get kings,though thoube none.”你会生出许多国王,虽然你自己并不是国王。 △ Lr.2.1.80(78):“I never got him”(got: begot,pa.t.)他不是我生出来的。 △Oth. 1.3.191: “I had rather to a-dopt a child than get it.”我宁愿收养一个孩子,也比亲生的好。 △Shr.2.1.404(410):“in this case of wooing,/ Achild shall get a sire.”在这次婚事当中,却是儿子先得生出一个父亲。 △Mer.3.5. 10: “you may partly hope thatyour father got (= begot) you not.”你可以存着一半儿的希望:或许你不是你父亲所生。 △Ado.2.1. 339 (324):“Your father got excellent husbands,if a maid could come by them.”你的父亲生出极好的丈夫,只消一个女人能够得到他们。 △2H.IV.2.2.11(9):“Belike then my appetite was not princely got,” (got: pa. p. begotten)这么说,也许我的口味生来就不像王子那么高贵。 △2H.IV.4.3.100(93): “and then when they marry,they get wen-ches.”他们就是结了婚,也只能生些丫头片子。 △3H.VI.2.2. 133:“Whoever got thee,there thy mother stands,”(got: pa. t. begot) 不管你的生身父亲是谁,反正你的母亲站在那里。 △H.VIII. 2.3.42: “If your back / Cannotvouchsafe this burthen,’tis too weak / Ever to get aboy.”如果你的脊梁连这样的负担都不肯承受,你可就太软弱了,怕永远生不出孩子。 △R.III.3.7. 9: “his own bastardy,/As being got,your father then in France,/ And hisresemblance,being not like the Duke.” (got: pa. p.begotten)还提到他自己的私生子身份,因为他是在你父亲出征法国时生的,而他的外貌又不像公爵。 5. achieve,gain,(quibbling on) beget完成,得到,(双关)生。 △H.VIII. 5.5.65(5. 3. 64):“never,before / Thishappy child,did I get any thing.”在这个幸福的孩子诞生之前,我可以说是一事无成。 ~ vb. gain,acquire 得到,获得。 △1H. VI. 4.3.32: “welose,they daily get;”我们受损失,他们天天得好处。 Phrases: get in flesh: grow fat 发胖。 △Rom.5.1.84:“Buyfood,and get thyself in flesh.” 买些吃的东西,让你自己添点肉。 get on: ❶ go on 进行。 △Tw.3.4.273(247):“there-fore get you on,and give him his desire.”所以你还是迎上前去答应他的要求吧。 ❷ put on 穿上。 △ 2H. IV.5.3.132(130): “my Lord Shallow,be what thou wilt,I amFortune’s steward. Get on thy boots,we’ll ride allnight.”夏禄大人,你想做什么官都行,我现在是命运之神的总管了。穿上你的靴子吧,我们要整夜骑马赶路。 get the field: win the battle 打了胜仗。 △3H.VI.1.4.1:“The army of the Queen hath got the field.”王后的军队在战场上获胜。 get up: ascend,climb up,mount (a horse) 登高,攀爬,骑上(马)。 △2H.IV.2.1.87(78):“I think I am as liketo ride the mare,if I have any vantage of ground toget up.”只要我能找到一个有利地位爬上去,我想我说不定还要把那匹母马压在我身子下面哩。 get within: get at close quarters with 走近。 △Com.5.1. 34:“Some get within him,take his sword away.”走近他,把剑从他手里夺下来。 |