安ānⅠ ❶ (安定;没有骚动) peaceful;quiet;tranquil;calm:~ 睡 sleep peacefully; 心神不 ~ feel uneasy [perturbed] ❷ (平安;安好)safe;secure;in good health:~ 抵 arrive safely;arrive safe and sound; 身体 ~ 康 be in good health Ⅱ ❶ (使安定) set (sb.'s mind) at ease;calm:~ 神 calm [soothe] the nerves ❷ (感到满足合适;心安) rest content;be satisfied:~ 于现状 be content with things as they are;be satisfied with the existing state of affairs ❸ (使有合适的位置) place in a suitable position;find a place for:把我 ~ 在哪儿都行。 I'll be happy with any job I'm assigned to. ❹ (安装;设立) install;fix;fit:~ 窗玻璃 put in a windowpane;~ 电灯 install electric lights; 门上 ~ 锁 fit a lock on the door ❺ (凭空加上) bring (a charge against sb.);give (sb. a nickname):~ 罪名 bring charges against ❻ (存着;怀着) harbour (an intention):~ 坏心 harbour evil intentions; 他们 ~ 的是什么心? What are they up to? Ⅲ ❶ (安全;安逸) security;safety;peace:~ 不忘危 mindful of possible danger in time of peace; 欠 ~ [书] be slightly indisposed;be unwell; 转危为 ~ pass from danger to safety;pull through ❷ {电} (安培的简称) ampere ❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 成 An Cheng Ⅳ [书] ❶ (问处所,同 “哪里”) where:其故 ~ 在? Wherein lies the cause? ❷ (表示反问,同“怎么,哪里”) how:~ 能袖手旁观? How can one stand by and do nothing? ◆安安稳稳 be firm and secure; 安邦定国 bring peace and stability to the country;bring peace to the country and have it settled on a firm basis;rule the country and give peace to the world;tranquilize the nation and settle the country; 安不忘危 Never relax your vigilance while you live in peace.;be mindful of possible danger in time of peace; 安步当车 walk [stroll] over leisurely instead of riding [taking] in a carriage;walk instead of taking vehicles; 安插 place in a certain position;assign to a job;plant; 安厝 place a coffin (with corpse) in a temporary place pending burial; 安道尔 Andorra; 安第斯山 the Andes (Mountain); 安定 stable;quiet;settled;stabilize;maintain; 安定团结 stability and unity [solidarity];安度晚年 spend one's remaining years in comfort; 安渡难关 tide over (the) difficulties;tide over a crisis; 安顿 arrange for;find a place for;help settle down;peaceful;undisturbed; 安分守己 remain in one's proper sphere;abide by law and behave oneself; 安抚 placate;pacify;appease;appeasement; 安富尊荣 enjoy wealth and honor;enjoy one's wealth and high rank; 安哥拉 Angola; 安家 set up a home;settle down; 安家落户 settle down;make one's home somewhere;establish oneself in; 安静 quiet;peaceful; 安居乐业 live and work in peace;be settled in comfortable jobs;enjoy a good and prosperous life; 安康 good health; 安乐死 {医} euthanasia;mercy killing; 安乐窝 cosy nest;love nest;place of ease and comfort;bed of down [roses;flowers];安(全)理(事)会 the UN Security Council; 安良除暴 pacify the good and do away the cruel;bring peace to the good people and get rid of the bullies;tranquilize the good and get rid of the cruel; 安曼 Amman; 安眠 sleep peacefully;{穴位} Anmian Ⅰ (Extra 8);Anmian Ⅱ (Extra 9);安民告示 notice to reassure the public;advance notice (of the agenda);an announcement; 安乃近 (退热镇痛剂) analginum;novalgin;analgin;dipyrone; 安内攘外 maintain internal security and repel [resist] foreign invasion;preserve peace at home and resist foreign invasion; 安宁 peaceful;tranquil;calm;composed;free from worry;{药} meprobamate;miltown; 安排 arrange;plan;fix up;make arrangements for;settle;lay on sth.;posit;timing;set-up;lay-out; 安培 {电} ampere; 安贫乐道 be contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual;willing to suffer poverty and unwilling to leave the right track — willing to suffer;bow to one's fate; 安全 safe;secure;safety;security; 安全第一 safety first; 安全期 {生} safe period; 安全性 safety;security; 安然长逝 expire calmly; 安然脱险 be out of danger; 安然无恙 safe and sound;come out safe and sound;completely uninjured; 安如磐石 be as firm [solid] as a rock;secure [immovable] as a huge rock; 安如泰山 be [become] as steady [stable;secure;firm] as Mount Tai;as firm [solid] as a rock;be not in the slightest danger; 安身立命 one's life having the whereabouts and one's spirit having its entrustment;settle down and get on with one's pursuit;live in peace; 安神 calm the nerves;soothe the nerves;{中医} relieve uneasiness of body and mind;tranquilization; 安生 (安定) peaceful;restful; 安土重迁 hate to leave a place where one has lived long;be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it; 安妥 (ANTU) Alpha naphthyl-thio-urea; 安妥明 clofibrate; 安危 safety;safety and danger; 安危未定 hang in the balance; 安危与共 share together danger and safety;stick together through thick and thin; 安胃灵 {药} oxyphenonii bromidum; 安慰 comfort;console; 安稳 smooth and steady;staid;sedate; 安息 rest;go to sleep;rest in peace;at rest; 安息香 styrax benzoin;styrax;{药} benzoin;storax;styrax; 安详 composed;serene;unruffled; 安享清福 be unoccupied and enjoying happiness; 安享太平 enjoy the present tranquillity;enjoy times of peace; 安歇 go to bed;retire for the night; 安心 (放心) feel at ease;be relieved;set one's mind at rest;keep one's mind on sth.; harbour (evil) intentions; cherish certain intentions; 安逸 easy;easy and comfortable; 安逸度日 pass days in indolence; 安营 camp;pitch a camp;encamp; 安营扎寨 pitch (a) camp;build bastion;make a stockade;set up a base camp;camp;pitch one's tent; 安于现状 be satisfied with the existing state of affairs and reluctant to move forward;satisfaction with things as they are; 安于职守 stay at one's post; 安葬 bury (the dead);inter; 安之若素 regard with equanimity;bear (hardship) with equanimity;put up sth. with grace; 安置 arrange for;find a place for;help settle down;emplacement;instate;insertion;posit;setting;put sth. in a proper place; 安装 install;erect;fix;mount;assemble;get-set;set up;put-on;fix assemblage |