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单词 game


1. sport,play 娱乐,游戏。
△L. L. L. 5. 2.155: “So shallwe stay,mocking intended game,”我们将在此嘲笑这一场游戏。
2. fun,jest 玩笑,嬉戏。
△Mid.1.1.240:“As waggishboys in game themselves forswear,”正像那顽童把发假誓当好玩。
3. chase,hunting 追猎,打猎。
△3H.VI.4.5.11: “Under the colour of his usual game.”在他平常打猎的借口之下。
4. animal pursued or taken in hunting,hunted animal被追猎的动物,猎物。
△H.V. 3.1.32: “The game’s af-oot!”猎物走动了!
△3H.VI.4.5.14: “This way,mylord,for this way lies the game.”到这里来,爵爷,猎物在这里。
5. chase,(with quibble on) sport of womanhunting,womanizing 追猎,(双关)追逐女人,玩弄女人。
△3H.VI.3.2.14:“He knows the game;”他真会追猎(双关:追女人)。
6. amorous play,love play 爱的游戏。
△Oth.2.3.19:“And I’ll warrant her,full of game.” i.e.sexually active. 而且我可以担保,她最解风情。


n. 比赛,竞赛,游戏,运动,比赛,比赛规则,比分,得分 (pl.)运动会,对策,策略,手法
adj.高兴的,勇敢的,残疾的/ v.打赌,竞赛,比赛,做游戏
◇ be game to do sth.高兴做…,原定做…/ be off one’s game 发挥失常
be on one’s game竞技状态好
have a game with sb.与…比赛,企图作弄某人
have the game in one’s hands有支配力,有必胜把握
make game of 与…开玩笑
play a double game 耍两面派手法
play the game 遵守规则
the name of the game 问题的实质
‖ game all 平局
game and game 双方各胜一局
game and glee 娱乐消遣
game ball 一局中决胜球,局点
game bird 一局中的决胜分
game count 胜负局数的比率
game diary比赛记录簿
game experience 临场经验
game house 娱乐场
Game Laws 狩猎法
gamelike exercise 活动性游戏练习
game maker 场上组织进攻的队员
game match 正式比赛
game misconduct penalty 严重违反纪律的处罚
game of chance 机会对策
game of chess 棋局
game of politics 政略
game plan 比赛方案,策略
game point 一局中决胜分
game record 比赛记录
game report 比赛记录表
game research 对策研究,竞赛研究
game results 比赛成绩
game semantics 游戏语义学
game tempo 比赛速度,比赛节奏
game theoretic model 对策性模型
game theory 博奕论
game timekeeper比赛计时员
game time 比赛开始的时间
game type 实战
game-type courseware 游戏型课件
game warden 比赛中协助裁判者
game watch 比赛计时表,秒表,跑表
games all 平局
games and competitions 球类运动
games average 胜负局数的比率
games committee 竞赛委员会
games for play 娱乐玩具
games master 体育教师
games mistress 女体育教师
games period 运动课
games pitched 投手投球场数
games played比赛数
games teacher 游戏老师
gaming contract 赌约
gaming simulation 博奕模拟
gamely adv. 不屈地,勇敢地
gamesome adj.爱玩闹的
gamester n. 赌棍
gaming n. 赌博,竞赛,对策
gammy adj. 残疾的





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