单词 | mill |
释义 | mill1 /mil; mil/ n 1 (building ('flour - ~)with) machinery or apparatus for grinding grain into flour (old style, 'waters, Wi/id ~). 磨粉机 (旧式有: watermill 水力磨粉机, windmill 风力磨対机); 磨粉厂 (亦称 flour-mill); 磨坊。 put sb/go through the ~, (cause to) undergo hard training or experience. 经历 (使某人经历) 磨鎌; (使) 从痛苦经历中学习。 run-of-the - ~, → run (10).' ~- dam n dam built across a stream to make water available for a ~. 磨坊水塀 (栏溪流所建使磨坊有水可用的水墙) 。 ' ~- pond n water retained by a ~-dam, to flow to the 磨坊贮水池 (由磨坊水埸| 所拦贮的水而流入磨坊者): like a ~ 'pond, (of the sea) very calm. (W 海洋) 像磨坊贮水池那样平静; 非常吊静。 '~-race n current of water that turns a ' ~-wheel. 旋转磨坊水车的水流。 '~stone n one of a pair of circular stones between which grain is ground. 磨:石磨; 磨石; 两片圆形石磨中之一片。 a —stone round one's neck, (fig) heavy burden: (喻) 沉重的负担; 重担: That mortgage has been like a ~ stone round my neck. 那份抵押契据一直像块磨石般唾在我的颈项上。 be between the upper and nether (= lower) ~- stone, be subject to irresistible pressure, 被夹在上下两片磨石之间 (即受到无法抗拒的重哒) 。 '~-wheel n wheel (esp a water-wheel) that supplies power to drive a ~ (推动磨粉机的) 车轮; (尤指) 水车车轮。 wright n man who builds and repairs water ~s and wind ~s. 修建水力风力磨粉机的人。 2 building, factory, workshop, for industry: 工厂; 工场: a 'cotton-/'paper-/'silk-/'steel- ~. 纱 (纸,丝,钢尊 ) 厂。 ' ~- hand n factory worker. 工厂工人。 '~girl n girl who works in a ~, esp a cotton- ~. 工厂女工; (尤指) 纱厂女工。 3 small machine for grinding: 小型研磨机: a 'coffee- ~; 咖啡研磨机; a 'pepper- ~. 神椒研磨机。 |
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