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单词 mind
释义 mind1 /maind; mamd/ n 1 [U] memory; remembrance. 记忆; 回忆。 bear/keep sth in ~, remember sth. 记某事物。 bring/call sth to ~, recall it to the memory. 回忆某事。 go/pass from/ out of one's ~, be forgotten. 被忘记; 被遗忘。 put sb in ~ of sth, remind sb of, cause sb to think of sth. 提醒某人某事; 使某人想起某事物。 O“f of sight, out of ~, (prov) What is not seen is soon forgotten. (D) 离久情疏; 看不见的人或东西很快地就会被遗忘。 2 [U] (but with indef art or pl in some phrases, as shown below) what a person thinks or feels; way of thinking; conscious thoughts; feeling, wishing; opinion; intention; purpose: (但在某些片语中与不定冠词连用,或用复数形,如下所列) 一个人所思想或感觉者; 思想; 精神; 想法; 心意; 意欲; 感想; 愿望; 意见; 意向; 目的: Nothing was further from his ~, his intentions, 那根本不是他的本意。 absence of ~, failure to think of what one is doing. 心不在焉。 c absent-minded at absent'. presence of ~, ability to act or decide quickly when this is needed. 当需要时能迅速采取行动或作决定的能力; 应变才能; 急智; 镇定。 be out of one's ~ / not in one's right ~, mad. 发狂的; 精神错乱的。 be of one ~ (about sth), be in agreement; have the same opinion. (关于某事) 意见一致; 意见相. 同。 be of the same ~, a (of a number of persons) be in agreement. (指许多人) 意见一致。 b (of one person) be unchanged in an opinion, decision, etc. (指一个人) 不改变意见、决定等: Is he still of the same ~? 他仍然不改变初衷吗? be in two ~s about sth, feel doubtful, hesitate, about sth, 对某事感到怀疑; 疑虑; 犹豫不决; 三心两意。 bend one's ~, influence the ~ so that it is permanently af- fected (by beliefs, etc). (指信仰等)左右某人的思想使其永远受影响。 Hence, 由此产生, '~bending adj blow one's ~, (colloq) (of drugs, extraordinary or sensational sights, sounds, etc) cause mental excitement, state of ecstasy, etc. 俗) (指药物,非凡或感人的景象、声音等) 令人激动、狂喜、陶醉等; 使人兴奋。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-blowing adj '~-boggling adj alarming; extraordinary. 可惊的; 非常的。 change one's ~, change one's purpose or intention. 改变主意。 give one's ~ to sth, direct one's attention to sth. 注意某事物。 give sb a piece of one's → piece' (2). have a good ~ to do sth, be strongly disposed to do sth. 极有意做某事。 have half a ~ to do sth, be rather inclined to do sth. 有点想. 要做某事。 have sth on one's ~, be troubled about sth which, one feels, one ought to deal with. (某事该处理而未处理时) 为某事耿耿于怀; 为某事操心; 为某事焦虑。 keep one's ~ on sth, continue to pay attention to, not be diverted from: 继续注意某事而不分心; 专心于某事; 留意着某件事: Keep your ~ on what you're doing. 注意你正在做的事情 (勿分心) 。 know one's own ~, know what one wants, have no doubts: 深知自己的需要: He never knows his own ~, often doubts, hesitates, about what to do. 他从不知道自己需要的是什么 (对要做什么常迟疑不决) 。 make up one's ~, a come to a decision: 决定; 决心: I've made up my ~ to be a doctor. 我已决心当医生。 Have you made up your ~ about what you'll do? 你要做什么, 决定了没有? b reconcile oneself to sth that cannot be changed, etc: 安于无法变更等的事情: We're no longer a first-class power; we must make up our ~s to that. 我们不再是第一等的强国; 我们必须接受那事实。 read sb's ~, know what he is thinking, 知道某人在想什么。 Hence, 由此产生, reading, guessing; knowing by intuition what sb is thinking. 猜测; 测心术 (凭直觉知道某人在想什么) 。 Hence, 由此产生, ~ reader n set one's ~ on sth, want very much; be determined to have: 极想要某物; 决心要有或要做某事物: We've set our ~s on a holiday in France. 我们已决定在法国度假一天。 speak one s ~, say plainly what one thinks. 坦率说出心中的话。 take one's/ sb's ~ off sth, turn one's/sb's attention away from sth; distract from. 转移自己 (某人) 的注意力; 使自己 (某人) 分心。 in the ~ 's eye, in imagination; in memory. 在想像中; 在记忆中。 to my according to my way of thinking: 照我的想法; 依我之见: To my ~, this is just a nonsense. 依我看来,这简直是胡闹。 3 [C, U] (person with) mental ability; intellect: 心智; 会力; 有才智的人: He has a very good ~. 他极有才智。 He has one of the great ~s of the age. 他是当代最有头脑的人物之一。 No two rs think alike. 没有两个人的想法是完全相同的。




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