释义 |
可想而知kě xiǎng ér zhīcansee; can imagine ❍ 这关系之重大,也就~了。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文·答〈戏〉周刊编者信》118) We can see the importance of this. ❍ 现在上海墙壁上的香烟和鬼影的广告画,尚且常有人张着嘴巴看,在少见多怪的原始社会里,有了这么一个奇迹,那轰动一时,就~了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—82)Since spectators gape even today at the advertisments for cigarettes and films posted upon Shanghai walls,we can imagine the sensation caused by such extraordinary sights in that unsophisticated primitive society. ❍ 因此乡间就向来有一个传说,谓咬死了人,皇帝必赦,因为怨恨而至于咬,则被咬者之恶,也就可想而知了。(《鲁迅全集》Ⅳ—40) Since then country folk have always maintained that if you bite a man to death the emperor will pardon you. Because if you hate a man enough to bite him that shows how wicked the one bitten must be. |