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单词 fool


1. innocent,simpleton (used as a term of affectionatepity) (怜爱之称)蠢东西,傻瓜。
△As.2.1.22: “the poordappled fools,”i.e. the deer.这些可怜的带斑点的蠢东西(鹿)。
△Ado.2.1.328 (314): “poor fool (i.e.poordear),it keeps on the windy side of care.”可怜的傻东西,它总能躲开烦恼的袭击。
△Lr.5.3. 307 (306): “Andmy poor fool (i.e. Cordelia) is hanged!”我可怜的傻孩子被绞死了!
2. foolishness,folly 愚蠢,傻事。
△Lr.1.4.166 (151):“This is not altogether fool,my lord.”陛下,这个人并不是完全傻。
△H.VIII.1.3.24: “leave those remnants/Of fool and feather that they got in France,”抛弃他们从法国带回来的帽上插羽毛等愚蠢的残余习惯。
3. plaything,dupe 玩物,被愚弄者。
△Rom.3.1. 142(136):“O,I am fortune’s fool!” 啊,我被命运玩弄了!
△Lr.4.6.195 (190): “I am even/ The natural foolof fortune." 我简直天生下来就注定要被命运玩弄的。
△1H.IV.5.4.81: “But thought’s the slave of life,and life,time’s fool.”但是思想是生命的奴隶,生命是时间的玩物。
4. jester 小丑,弄臣。
△Ado.1.1.40: “my uncle’sfool,”我的伯父的小丑。
5. actor playing a fool’s role 丑角演员。
△Ham.3. 2. 49(43):“That’s villainous,and shows a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it.”这真可恶,表示出这种丑角抱有最可怜的野心。
△Tw.3.1.68 (60):“This fellow iswise enough to play the fool,”这个家伙扮演小丑倒是很有点聪明的。
Phrases & Expressions:
a fool go with: may the name of fool accompany orstick to 愿傻瓜的名字伴随着或紧贴在…
△1H.IV.5.3.22:“A fool go with thy soul,whither it goes! / A bor-rowed title hast thou bought too dear.”让傻瓜的名字伴随着你的灵魂,无论它走到哪里! 你用太大的代价买来了一个假借的称号。
fool and beggar: something inferior and drab 低级而单调的东西。
△H.VIII.1.1. 26: “Now this masque / Wascried incomparable; and the ensuing night / Made it afool and beggar.”这一天的假面舞会本来被说成是举世无双的;第二天晚上就使它显得低级而寒伧。
fools of nature: dupes of nature,playthings of nature(subject to the caprices of nature) 被大自然所愚弄的人,造化的玩物。
△Ham.1.4.54: “Making night hideous,and we fools of nature/So horridly to shake ourdisposition / With thoughts beyond the reaches of oursouls?”使黑夜变得阴森可怖,使我们这些造化的玩物心惊胆战,思索着我们所不能了解的事。
fool's paradise: happiness based upon an illusion 春梦。
△Rom.2.4. 176(165):“if ye should lead her in afool’s paradise,” i.e. if you should deceive her into astate of false happiness; seduce her by falsely promis-ing to marry her. 如果你只是逗着她做一场荒唐梦。
make the fool of: deceive 欺骗。
△Mac.2.1.44:“Mine eyes are made the fools o’ the other senses,/Or else worth all the rest." i. e. If the dagger is amere phantom,my eyes are deceived by the othersenses; if the dagger is a reality,my eyes are worth all my other senses.我的两眼倘不是受了其他感官的捉弄,便是抵得过其他所有感官的价值(又译:顶替了其他一切感官)。
poor fool: a phrase of endearment and not contempt(昵称)可怜的傻东西。
△3H.VI. 2.5.35: “So many daysmy ewes have been with young,/ So many weeks erethe poor fools will can;”我的母羊已经怀羔多少天,再有多少个礼拜这些可怜的傻东西就要生产小羊了。
play the fools with the time: ❶fool away the time 浪费时间。
❷ play the fool following the spirit of thetimes 随波逐流干蠢事 。
△2H.IV.2.2.155(142): “Well,thus we play the fools with the time.”好了,我们这样是在浪费时间。


1. befool,make a fool of,mock 愚弄,嘲弄。
△Tw.2.5.12 (10):“we will fool him black and blue.”我们要把他结结实实地作弄一番。
2. cheat,deceive 欺骗。
△Tw.5.1. 44 (41):“You canfool no more money out of me at this throw.”你这一回可骗不走我的钱了。


n. 傻瓜,白痴,小丑,愚蠢 adj. 傻的v. 哄骗,欺骗,做蠢事,浪费
◇ be a fool to 与…不可同日而语,不能同…相比
fool around (about)闲荡,浪费时间
fool away 浪费
Fool’s haste is no speed.欲速则不达。/ fool with 玩弄
fool with the ball 用球涮人
make a fool of 愚弄,取笑
make a fool of oneself 出洋相
play the fool=act the fool 逗乐,做蠢事
‖ fool actor 扮演愚弄人的演员
fools cap 滑稽帽
fool’s literature 愚人文学
fool’s paradise幻想
foolish adj. 愚蠢的,可笑的
◇ make a foolish figure 闹笑话
foolishly adv.foolishness n.foolery n. 愚蠢的行为(想法)/fool-hardy adj. 莽撞的
fool-proof adj. 十分安全,极简单的
foolery n. 愚蠢的行为(想法) / fool-hardy adj. 莽撞
fool-proof adj.十分安全,极简单的
fool-proofness n. 安全装置





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