释义 |
什shén(构词成分): ~ 么 [- me] ❶ (表示疑问; 单用, 问事物): 你要 ~ 么? What do you want? 他说 ~ 么? What did he say? ❷ (用在名词前面, 问人或事物): 有 ~ 么消息? What news? 他是 ~ 么人? Who is he? ❸ (表示不肯定的事物): 不知 ~ 么事使他不能来。 Something or other prevented him from coming. ❹ (用在“也”或“都”前面, 表示所说的范围之内没有例外): 他 ~ 么也没说。 He didn't say anything. ❺ (两个“什么”前后照应, 表示由前者决定后者): ~ 么钥匙开 ~ 么锁 suit the remedy to the problem ❻ (表示惊讶或不满): ~ 么, 你真是这个意思? What, do you really mean it? ❼ (表示责难): 你说呀! 装 ~ 么哑巴? Speak! Stop playing dumb. ❽ (表示不同意对方刚说的话): ~ 么不懂! 装糊涂就是了。 What do you mean — not undestand? You're just pretending. ❾ (表示列举不尽): ~ 么猪肉啊, 土豆啊, 青菜啊, 她都买了。 She bought pork, potatoes, green vegetables, anything. 另见 see also shí。 ◆什么的 and so on; and so forth; and the like; and others; and what not; 什么风把你吹来啦? What fortunate breeze has blown you here?; 什么工匠出什么活 Such carpenters, such chips.; 什么时候 when; when ̄ ever; 什么树结什么果 As the tree, so the fruit.; 什么也不行 not much of anything
什shíⅠ (多种的; 杂样的) assorted; varied; miscellaneous: ~ 器 miscellaneous utensils Ⅱ [书] (十, 多用于分数或倍数) ten: ~ 百 tenfold or hundredfold; ~ 一 one tenth 另见 see also shén。 ◆ 什不闲儿 a kind of quyi, accompanied by percussion instruments; 什件儿 giblets; [方] metal decorations fixed on trunks, carriage, swords, etc.; 什锦 {食品} assorted; mixed; 什物 articles for daily use; odds and ends; sundries |