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单词 excess


1. profusion,overabundance,superabundance,super-fluity大量,极多,极丰富,过剩。
△Tw. 1. 1. 1: “If musicbe the food of love. play on,/ Give me excess of it;”假如音乐是爱情的食粮,那么就演奏下去吧,让我过量地享受它。
△Rom. 2. 6. 33:“But my true love is grown to suchexcess”,但是真诚的爱情在我心中太富足了。
2. interest利息。
△Mer. 1. 3. 62 (61):“Shylock. albeitI neither lend nor borrow╱By taking nor by givin g ofexcess.”虽然我从未因借出借入钱财而索取或付给过利息。


n. 过度,超过,暴行,无节制
adj. 多余的,附加的,过量的,额外的
◇ far in excess of 大大超过
go to excess 走极端
in excess 超过…数量
in excess of 超过
to excess 过分,过错
‖ excess amortization 超额偿还
excess baggage 超重行李
excess bank reserves 超额银行准备金
excess capacity 超额生产能力
excess coverage 超额保险
excess credit pcsition 超额抵扣情况
excess deficit 超额赤字
excess demand 超额需求
excess demand inflation 需求过多引起的通货膨胀
excess disburse 超额支付
excess earnings 超额利润
excess fare 补票
excess income 超额收入
excess insurance 超额保险
excess interest expense 超额利息支出
excess issue 超额发行
excess leave 超假
excess of capital 过剩资本
excess of cost of securities over market value 证券成本超过市价
excess of credit 超额信贷
excess of export 出超
excess of import 入超
excess of loss cover 超额赔偿
excess of loss reinsurance 超额损失分保
excess of receipts over expenses 收入大于支出
excess of supply over demand 供过于求
excess profit 超额利润
excess profit duty 超额利润税
excess profit levy 超额利润附加税
excess profit tax 超额利润税
excess reclamation 过度开垦
excess remuneration额外薪酬
excess reserve 备付(超额准备)金
excess tax credit 超额税收抵免
excess time-out 超过规定次数的暂停
excessive adj.过多的,额外的
excessive amount of currency issue 过度货币发行量
excessive consumption 超前消费
excessive deforestation 乱砍滥伐
excessive demand 过剩需求
excessive expenditure 超支
excessive exposure 过度曝光
excessive growth 过度增长
excessive hit 发射次数超过规定
excessive inflation 过度通货膨胀
excessive load 过度负荷
excessive malfunction 超额故障
excessive movement 过分的动作
excessive panting 急喘
excessive pike 身体过于收拢
excessive population growth 人口适度膨胀
excessive possession of ball 守门员持球时间过长
excessive production capacity 过剩的生产能力
excessive profit 暴利,超额利润
excessive shot 多射
excessive speed 超速
excessive training 过度训练
excessive urbanization 适度都市化
excessively adv.





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