单词 | beat |
释义 | beat1 /but; bit/ vt, vi (pt beat, pp ~en) /'bi: tn; bitn/ 1 [VP6A, 14, 2A, C] hit repeatedly (esp with a stick): (尤指用棍棒)连续地击打: She was ~ Sg the carpet/ ~ing the dust out of the carpet, 她正在用棒子敲打地毯(把地毯上的灰打落下来)。 He was ~ing a drum. 他正在打鼓。 We heard the drums ~ jng/ being ~ m 我们听见打鼓的声音。 The boy was ~ en until he was black and blue, covered with bruises. 那男孩被打得靑一块紫一块。 The hunters had to ~ a way through the undergrowth, make a path by forcing the branches, etc down. 猎人们不得不在卢木丛中开出一条路。 Somebody was ~ing at/upon give sb/get a good ~ing. 痛打某人(挨一顿痛打 j。 the door. 有人在敲门。 ~ one's brains, → brain(4). ~ a retreat, give the signal (by drum) to retreat; (fig) go back, retire. 鸣鼓撤退; 仓皇撤退; (喻)打退堂鼓; 放弃。 ~ the woods, go into them to drive out game (for sport, shooting). 入丛林中驱出猎物 (以为运动,或以便猎射)。 ~ing n a punishment, esp by hitting repeatedly: 处罚; (尤指)接连地打: b (colloq) defeat: (俗)陈败渓败: Our team got a sound ~ing. 我们的队遭到惨败。 2 [VP2C] (of the sun, rain, wind, etc) strike: (指太阳、雨、风等)射; 打; 吹: The rain was ~ing against the windows. 雨打在窗户上。 3 [VP6A, 14] mix thoroughly and let air into by using a fork or similar utensil: 搅拌; 打卷: ~ eggs; 打蛋(使蛋白蛋黄混合); ~ cream (to a froth); 搅乳脂(使成泡沫); ~ flour and eggs, etc, (to a paste). 搅拌勤粉、鸡蛋等使成糊状。→ whip'(2). 4 [VP6A, 22, 15B] hammer, change the shape of by blows: 锤打使变形: ~ sth flat; 将某物锤薄; ~ out gold, hammer it flat; 将金锤 D; ~ the door in, break in by hammering down the door. 破门而入。 5 [VP6A, 14, 15A] defeat; do better than: 击败;优必; 胜过: Our army was ~ en. 我们的陆军被打败了。 I'll ~ you to the top of that hill, race you and get there first. 我们来比赛跑到山顶,我将赢你。 He ~ me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。 ~ the record, break the record, make a new and better record. 打破纪录; 创新纪录。 6 [VP6A] be too difficult for; perplex: 难倒; 使困惑: That problem has ~ e” me. 那个兰题包我难倒了。 7 [VP6A, 14, 2A, 3A] move up and down regularly: 拍(翅); 鼓(翼); 有规律地上下动: The bird was ~ing its wings against the sides of the cage. 那只鸟鼓动它的翅膀拍打笼子的侧边。 His heart as still ~ing. 他的心脏仍在跳动。 Her heart was ~ing with joy. 她的心因高兴而猛跳。 ~ time, measure time (in music) by making regular movements (with the hands, etc). (在音乐中,用手等)打拍子。 8 (various uses): (各种用法): ~ about the bush, approach a subject without coming to the point, 施圈子; 不直接谈正题。 dead tired out. 疲倦极了。 ~ it. (sl) go away, (ffi) 走开。 9 [VP2C, 15B] (with adverbial particles and preps): 副词接语及介词连用): beat down (on), 照射; 吹; 打 The sun was ~ing down on our heads, shining with great heat. 太阳直射在我们的头顶上。 ~ sb/sth down: 使某人降低索价; 杀价: He wanted £800 for the car but I ~ him down (= made him lower his price) to £600. 那部车他索价八百镑,但我把他的价钱杀到六百镑。, ~ down his price, made him lower it, 我压低他的价钱。 The wheat had been ~ en down (= flattened) by the rain. 麦禾已被雨打倒了。 beat sb/sth off, 击退 The attacker/attack was ~en off, repulsed. 攻击者(攻势)被击退了。 beat sth out, 扑灭(火); 敲出(曲子): The dry grass caught fire, but we ~ it out, extinguished the fire by ~ing the burning grass. 干草着了火, 但是我们把它扑灭了。 He ~ out (= drummed) a tune on a tin can. 他在洋铁罐上敲出一首曲子。 beat sb up, 痛打; 毒打 He was badly ~ en up beaten severely with cudgels, etc) in a back alley. 他在后巷里被人毒打。 ~ sth up (into/to), mix thoroughly and let air into by using a fork or other utensil: 搅拌并打松某些东西(使成为…): ~ the mixture up to a creamy consistency; 将这混合物打松到像乳脂的浓度; ~ the flour and eggs (up) to a paste. 搅拌勤粉及鸡蛋使成期团。 |
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