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单词 beauty
释义 beauty /'bju: ti; 'bjuti/ n 1 [U] combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses (esp the eye and ear) or to the moral sense or the intellect: 美; 美好 (令视觉、听觉、是非感或智力发生美感之各种性质之综合): Everyone must admire the ~ of a tropical sunset/a mother's love. 每个人必定会论叹热带日落 (母爱) 之美。 B~ is only skin deep, (prov) We must not judge by outward appearance only. (谚) 美貌是肤浅的 (我们不可仅以貌取人) 。 2 [C] (pl -ties) person, thing, specimen, feature, characteristic, that is beautiful or particularly good: 美丽或美好的人、物、样品或特性: Isn't she a ~! 她真是个美人! Her smile is one of her beauties. 她的笑 IK 是她的奏点之一。 Look at this rose—isn't it a ~! 请看这朵玫瑰花 —— 它岂不是美的化身! I'm always finding new beauties in Shakespeare's poetry. 我经常在莎士比亚的诗中发现新的美点。 That's the ~ of it, the point that gives satisfaction. 那是它美的所在 (令人满意之点) 。 '~-parlour n establishment (now usu 4 通清作 ' ~- salon) in which women receive treatment (of the skin, hair, etc) to increase their ~. (妇女)美容院。 queen n girl voted the most beautiful in a ~ contest. (选美会中经投票选出的) 后。 '~ .salon,= ~-parlour. '■―sleep n sleep before midnight. 午夜前之睡眠。 ‘ ~ spot n 1 place with beautiful scenery. 名胜; 美景。 2 birthmark or artificial patch on the face, said to heighten ~. (脸上的) 美人痣 (或为天生,或由化妆而成) 。




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