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dressvt. 1. clothe,embellish给…穿衣,装饰。 △2H.IV.4.1.36:“if damned commotion so appeared / In his true, native,and most proper shape,/ You,reverend fa-ther,and these noble lords / Had not been (= wouldnot have been) here to dress the ugly form / Of baseand bloody insurrection / With your fair honours.”如果该死的叛乱这样以它那真实的、出自本性的以及切合身份的外貌出现,那么你,可敬的主教,以及这些高贵的爵爷们,想来不会用你们清白的荣誉来装饰卑鄙血腥的叛乱的丑恶面目。 2. put in order,trim up把(衣服等)整理齐楚,修饰。 △2H.IV.2.3.21:“He was indeed the glass / Where-in the noble youth did dress themselves.”他确实是一面镜子,高贵的青年们比照着他来修饰自己。 3.❶put clothes on,array给…穿上衣服,打扮。 ❷set inorder. remedy把…整顿好,纠正。 △2H.VI.4.2.6(4):“I tell thee,Jack Cade the clothier means to dress the commonwealth.”我告诉你,织布匠杰克·凯德打算把这个国家好好打扮一下(双关:整顿一番)。 4. prepare,get ready预备,准备。 △H.V.4.1.8: “Be-sides,they (i.e. the French) are our outwardconsciences / And preachers to us all,admonishing /That we should dress us fairly for our end. ”此外,他们还可以充作我们外面的良心、我们大家的牧师,告诫我们要像模像样地准备我们的死亡。 △Tw.2.5.125 (112): “What(=what a) dish o’ poison has she dressed him!”她给他预备下多好的一盘子毒药! 5. equip,furnish装备,配备。 dress in: furnish...with,equip...with对…配备,对…装备。 △Oth.1.3.25: “But altogether lacks theabilities / That Rhodes is dressed in.”完全缺乏罗得斯岛所装备的那些防御设施。 6. prepare for cooking烹调。 △Shr.4.3.40: “Todress thy meat myself,”亲自为你烹调了这盘肉。 dress meat: prepare food做饭。 △Wiv.1.4.101 (96):“dress meat and drink.”做吃的喝的。 7. (of wounds) put in order,care for,bandage (对伤口)照料,包扎。 △Tw.5.1.212 (204):“I’ll help you,SirToby,because we’ll be dressed together.” i.e. we’llhave our wounds cared for together. 我来照料你,托比爵士,咱们一块儿包扎伤口去。 △Oth.5.1.124: “Kind gen-tlemen,let's go see poor Cassio dressed.”好先生们,我们去看看可怜的凯西奥的伤口包扎。 dress[dres]n.看齐的口令,服装,女服,衣服,礼服,童装,连衣裙,外衣v.看齐,穿衣,打扮,装饰,整理,调制,军舰上悬挂彩旗以庆祝… ◇be dressed up to the nines穿得很漂亮 dress a window布置橱窗 dress in colours穿鲜艳的服装 dress out装饰 dress the set舞台置景 dress the ship悬挂彩旗 dress up盛装,打扮,装饰 ‖ dress ball盛装舞会 dress circle楼厅 dress circle戏剧花楼 dress coat 礼服 dress code衣饰准则 dress extra龙套角色 dress form女装人体模型 dress goods妇幼衣装 dress guard护胸 dress left向左看齐 dress parade阅兵式,阅兵典礼,走台,试装排练 dress rehearsal彩排 dress right向右看齐 dress shield护胸 dress shirt白衬衫 dress suit大礼服 dress uniform军礼服 dress up装扮 dress wedding结婚女服 dressing case化妆盒 dressing glass梳妆镜 dressing room更衣室 dressing-room actor说大话的演员 dressing-room list使用化妆室次序表 dressing stool化妆椅 evening dress礼服 full evening dress大礼服 dresser n.梳妆台,化妆师,发型师,服装师 dressiness n.讲究衣着,服装时髦 dressing n.穿衣,打扮,化妆品,敷料 dressing-room n. 更衣室,后台化妆室 dressing-table n. 梳妆台 dressmaker n.做女服,童装的裁缝 dress-up n.女装 dressy adj.讲究的,时髦的 |