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单词 不翼而飞

不翼而飞不翼以飞bù yì ér fēi

disappear without trace;fly away without wings; disappear(/vanish) mysteriously (/all of a sudden); spread fast as if on wings (/like wildfire); take wings to itself;vanish into thin air
❍ 世界广漠无垠之场。有一大动物焉。不胫以走。不翼以飞。(李六如《六十年的变迁》57) In the extensive and boundless range of this world there exists a large animal which possesses no feet but walks,and has no wings but flies./……这几个政治口号,真是~,飞到无数乡村的青年壮年老头子小孩子妇女们的面前,一直钻进他们的脑子里去,又从他们的脑子里流到了他们的嘴上。(《毛泽东选集》34) …these political slogans have grown wings,they have found their way to the young,the middle-aged and the old,to the women and children in countless villages,they have penetrated into their minds and are on their lips.

不翼而飞bù yì ér fēi

翼:翅膀。没有翅膀却飞走了。常比喻东西突然丢失,或消息等突然迅速传开。spread fast, spread like wildfire, disappear without trace, vanish all of a sudden, have grown wings, take to itself wings, vanish into thin air





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