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单词 despite


1. spite,defiance怨恨,对抗。
△Rom .5.3.48:“And indespite I’ll cram thee with more food (i.e. his ownbody).”为了表示怨恨,我再填给你一些食物。
2. spite,anger怨恨.愤怒。
△Oth.4.3.94 (91): “Orscant our former having in despite.”或者一怒而把我们从前的零用钱减少。
△Tw.3.4. 245 (222): “but thy inter-cepter,full of despite.”不过那个要伏击你的人,却是满腔的愤怒。
3. ill will. malice坏心.恶意。
△Mid.5.1.112: “Con-sider then we come but in despite.”所以想想我们来存着坏心。
4. despising,contempt,scorn鄙视,轻蔑,藐视。
△Ado.1.1. 244 (234): “Thou wast ever an obstinate hereticin the despite of beauty.”你永远是这样一个藐视美貌的顽固的异教徒。
△H.V.3.5.17:“On whom (i.e.the Eng-lish),as in despite,the sun looks pale,╱ Killing theirfruit with frowns?”对于他们,太阳好像由于轻蔑而暗淡无光,紧皱着眉头,不叫他们的果树结实。
△Oth.4.2.116:“Thrown such despite and heavy terms upon her,” 用那样的轻蔑、那样严重的字眼儿加在她的身上。
Phrases & Expressions:
despite of: in spite of. in defiance of不顾,不管。
△1H.VI. 4 . 6 . 8 : “Till with thy warlike sword. de-spite of fate,/To my determined time thou gavestnew date.”你,不顾命运的安排,用你勇武的宝剑,又对我有限的生命给予了新的寿命。
△Lr . 5. 3 . 245 (244): “Somegood I mean to do / Despite of mine own nature.” 不管我的本性如何,我还想做一件好事。
in all despite: in spite of everything 不顾一切。
△3H.VI. 2.6.80 : “If this right hand would buy twohours’ life.╱That I in all despite might rail at him,This hand (i.e. his left hand) should chop it off;”假如我这只右手能买回他两小时的生命,使我可以不顾一切地痛骂他一顿,我这左手就把右手剁掉。
in despite: in spite of that尽管如此。
△Shr.Ind.1.128: “Shall in despite enforce a watery eye,” i. e. shallmake him shed tears in spite of his reluctance toweep. 就能使他不想哭也得流眼泪。
in despite of: in spite of,in defiance of不顾,不管。
△ 1.1.94 (93):“And had his Highness in hisinfancy / Crowned in Paris in despite of foes?”并且不顾敌人的干扰使得国王陛下幼小时就在巴黎加冕了吗?
△2H.VI. 4 . 8 . 64 (60): “In despite of the devils andhell,have through the very middest of you!”不管面前有魔鬼也好、地狱也好,我一定要从你们中间冲出去!
△3H.VI.1.1.154:“Deposed he shall be,in despite of all.”无论如何,他非退位不可。
△Com.3.1.108: “in despite ofmirth mean to be merry.”i.e. though I do not likebeing merry. 虽然心里不高兴,仍想找个地方解解闷。
in high despite: with haughty contempt,with su-preme scorn以高傲的轻蔑,以最高的藐视。
△3H.VI.2.1.59: “crowned the gracious duke in high despite,Laughed in his face:”他们以最高的轻蔑给他戴上纸冠,当面嘲笑他。
in one's despite: in spite of,notwithstanding不顾…,尽管…
△1H.VI.4.7.21: “Two Talbots. wingedthrough the lither sky. In thy despite shall scapemortality ”两位塔尔博特,飞过柔顺的天空,不顾你的威胁,摆脱了死亡的羁绊。
of all despite: full of malice,most malignant充满恶意的,最恶毒的。
△1H.VI.3.2.52: “Foul fiend of Franceand hag of all despite.” i.e. malicious witch. 法兰西的恶鬼,最恶毒的女巫。


vt. annoy,vex使烦恼,使为难。
△Ado.2.2.31:“Only to despite them,I will endeavour any thing.” 只要能使他们难堪,我愿做任何事情。


prep. in despite of. in defiance of藐视,不顾。
△ 2H.VI.1.1.179 (178): “Or thou or I,Somerset,will be Protector. / Despite Duke Humphrey or theCardinal.”不是你就是我,萨默塞特,才配做护国公,亨弗雷公爵或红衣主教都不值得一顾。





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