释义 |
defacevt. 1. efface,obliterate. cancel抹去.擦掉.取消。 △Mer.3.2. 300 (299): “Pay him six thousand. and deface thebond;”给他六千块钱.把借据销毁。 △ 2H.VI.1.1.103(102): “Defacing monuments of conquered France.”使得征服法兰西的纪念碑消失得无影无踪。 △R.III.2.1.123:“and defaced╱ The precious image of our dear Re-deemer,”抹去了我们的救世主的宝贵的形象。 2. disfigure,destroy损毁…的外形,破坏。 △H.V.2.4.60: “and deface / The patterns that by God and byFrench fathers╱Had twenty years been made.”把上帝和法兰西的父亲们用二十年时间才能造就出来的男儿们全部摧毁。 △ 1H.VI.3.3.45: “And see the cities and the townsdefaced╱By wasting ruin of the cruel foe.”看我们的许多城镇由于残暴的敌人的蹂躏已被破坏得面目全非。 △R.III.3.7.125(126):“Her face defaced with scars of infamy,”她的面貌被耻辱的伤疤所损毁。 3. disfigure,soil,blot,discredit损毁…的外貌,玷污,涂脏.败坏…的名声。 △1H.VI.5.5.28:“How shall wethen dispense with that contract ╱ And not defaceyour honour with reproach?” 那么,我们怎样撤销那项婚约而不使你的荣誉受到丑名的玷污呢? △2H.VI.4.1. 42:“Broke be my sword,my arms torn and defaced,”i.e.marks of disgrace. 让我的宝剑被折断,让我的家徽旗子被扯破、涂脏。 deface[diˈfeis]v.注销,损伤外貌,丑化,使失面子 ‖ defaced bond已注销债券 defaced cheque已注销支票 defaced note已污损纸币,损伤外观 deface the ball投手涂损球面 defacement n. 毁损 |