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单词 dance


vi. kick one’s heels踢跳。
△H.VIII.5.4.69 (53.63): “I have some of ’em in Limbo Patrum,andthere they are like to dance these three days.”我已经把他们中的几个关进了监牢,就让他们在那儿蹦跶三天吧。
dance attendance: wait on a person without being ad-mitted,stand waiting 等候(见人)而不能进内,听候。
△H.VIII.5.2.28 (29): “thus to suffer / A man of his place. and so near our favour. / To dance attendanceon their lordships’ pleasures. / And at the door too,like a post with packets.”不至于让像他那样有身份、而且又受我恩宠的人如此听候他们几位的颐指气使,还要像个送信的驿卒似的在门口等着。
dance bare-foot on a younger sister’s wedding-day:Alluding to the old custom for elder unmarried sistersto dance without shoes at a younger sister’s wedding古时风俗:妹妹结婚时,要由她的未婚的姐姐赤足跳舞——据说这样才能找到丈夫。
△Shr.2.1.33:“I must dance bare-foot on her wedding-day,”我必须在她结婚那天光着脚跳舞。
dancing horse: a famous per-forming horse often alluded toby Elizabethan writers as“Bankes’ horse” named Morocco,who had been trained tocount numbers with his hoof会跳舞的马——指伊利莎白第一时代作家们常提到的一匹名叫“摩洛哥”的马,其主人叫班可斯。此马被训练得会用顿蹄子的方法来计算数目。
△L.L.L.1.2.57 (53): “the dancing horse will tell you.”那一匹会跳舞的马也可以告诉您。

Dancing Horse




◇ dance attendance on (upon)奉承,献媚
dance to sb.’s tune (pipe)跟着某人亦步亦趋
‖ break dance霹雳舞
classical dance古典舞蹈
clog dance木屐舞蹈
country dance乡村舞蹈
dance actor男舞蹈演员
dance actress女舞蹈演员
dance appreciation舞蹈欣赏
dance art舞蹈艺术
dance ball舞会
dance band跳舞乐队
dance composition舞蹈构图
dance costume舞蹈服装,舞蹈指导
dance criticism舞蹈评论
dance director编舞
dance education舞蹈教育
dance expression舞蹈表达
dance fiend舞迷
dance floor舞池
dance form (pattern)舞蹈形式
dance hall舞厅
dance hostess舞女
dance image舞蹈形象
dance image舞蹈形象
dance in Chinese opera戏曲舞蹈
dance in education教育舞蹈
dance master舞蹈教师
dance movement舞蹈动作
dance music舞蹈音乐
dance music舞曲
dance notation舞谱
dance of Africa非洲舞蹈
dance of Asia亚洲舞蹈
dance of Europe欧洲舞蹈
dance of India印度舞蹈
dance of six dynasties六代舞
dance or ballet film舞剧影片
dance orchestra伴舞乐队
dance photography舞蹈摄影
dance rhythm舞蹈节奏
dance school舞蹈学校
dance shoes舞鞋
dance sketches舞蹈小品
dance theatre舞蹈剧团
dance theory and composition舞蹈理论与作曲
dance vocabulary舞蹈语言
dance walk舞步
dance wear舞蹈服装
dance with accompaniment乐舞
drum dance腰鼓舞
folk dance民间舞蹈
modern dance现代舞蹈
non-literal dance抽象舞蹈
social dance交际舞
solo dance独舞
tap dance踢踏舞dancing couple舞伴
dancing girl舞女
dancing mania舞蹈狂
dancing master职业舞蹈教师
dancing outreach摇头丸
dancing partner舞伴
dancing school舞蹈学校
dancing skill舞艺
danceable adj. dancer n.舞蹈家
dancer dancing girl舞女
dancer dancing mania舞蹈狂
dancer dancing master职业舞蹈教师
dancer’s posture舞姿
dancery n.





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