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单词 安富尊荣

安富尊荣ān fù zūn róng

be used to lording it in luxury; live in ease and dignity; enjoy (/be content with) one’s wealth and (high) rank; lead a life of luxury and magnificence (/splendour)
❍ 如今人口日多,事务日盛,主仆上下,都是~,运筹谋画的竟无一个。(《红楼梦》18)❶Their households are increasing and their commitments are growing all the time,while masters and servants alike are so used to lording it in luxury that not one of them thinks ahead.
❷At the moment the numbers of their establishment and the activities they engage in are,if anything,on the increase. Both masters and servants all lead lives of luxury and magnificence.And they still have plenty of plans and projects under way.
❍ 君子居是国也,其君用之,则~。(《孟子·尽心上》) When a superior man resides in a country,if its sovereign employ his counsels,he comes to tranquillity,wealth,honour,and glory.
❍ 生齿日繁,事务日盛,主仆上下,~者尽多,运筹谋画者无一,其日用排场,又不能将就省俭,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》201) There are more and more mouths to feed,more and more tasks to be done.No one of the many masters and servants who live in such ease and dignity will exercise any forethought.They are so accustomed to their style of living that they cannot practise economy.
❍ 我常劝你总别听到那些俗语,想那些俗事,只管~才是。(《红楼梦》928) I’m always urging you not to listen to that vulgar talk or think about those vulgar matters. Just enjoy your wealth and high rank.
❍ 你戴着一个人的面具,想杀尽中原的人民来求得秦国的胜利,来保障你的~,你怕我没有看透你? (郭沫若《屈原》103) You have only the semblance of a human being! You want to kill all the people of China to achieve unity for the kingdom of Qin,and ensure your own prosperity and high position. Do you imagine I do not see through you?

安富尊荣an fu zun rong

be content with one’s wealth and high rank

安富尊荣ān fù zūn rónɡ

指满足于富裕安乐的寄生生活。enjoy wealth and honor, be content with one’s wealth and rank, live in ease and dignity, live a luxurous life, enjoy one’s wealth and high rank





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