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单词 安居乐业

安居乐业安身乐业ān jū lè yè

enjoy a good and prosperous life; live and work in peace (/contentment/happiness/prosperity); live a pros perous and contented life; live peacefully and pursue one’s usual calling; make a good living and be contented in one’s station; settle down in peace and happiness
❍ 希望我全体人民,一律~,切勿轻信谣言,自相惊扰。(《毛泽东选集》1348) It is hoped that the people throughout the country will live and work in peace and will not give credence to rumours or raise false alarms.
❍ 然后好携你到隆盛昌明之邦,诗礼簪缨之族,花柳繁华之地,温柔富贵之乡,去安身乐业。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》196) Then we shall take you to some prosperous and civilized country,to some cultured and noble family; in that land of romance and splendour,in that home of love and wealth,you may settle down in peace and happiness./……但也想不出另一个可以使她们母子~的地方。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—30)…she just could not seem to think of any other place where she and her children could go to live in contentment and peace.
❍ 乡村人各各~。(《儒林外史》14) …the villagers could live at peace,enjoying the fruits of their labour.


enjoy a happy,secure life;live and work in peace and contentment
社会和谐稳定,百姓~是广大人民的共同愿望。Social harmony and stability as well as a better life are aspirations of all people.

安居乐业ān jū lè yè

指人们安定地生活、愉快地劳动。live and work in peace and contentment, live a good life, live in peace and work in happiness, enjoy a good and prosperous life





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