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charmn. 1. incantation,magic curse咒语,魔咒。 △R.III.1.3.215 (214):“Have done thy charm,thou hateful with-ered hag.”停止你的魔咒吧,你这可恶的老巫婆! △Oth.1.1. 172 (171): “Is (= Are) there not charms/ Bywhich the property of youth and maidhood / May beabused?”世界上有没有符咒能骗得青春少女丧失本性、失去贞操? 2. enchantment,magic spell魅力,魔力。 △Ado.2.1.188(179): “for beauty is a witch / Against whosecharms(= in the tace of whose magic spells) faithmelteth into blood.”因为美貌是 一个女巫,一接近她的魔力,忠诚就会在情欲中溶化。 △Wiv.2.2.108(103):“Surely Ithink you have charms,la;”我想你一定有什么迷人的法术(又译:特别的魅力)。 △Lr.5.3.49 (48):“Whose age hadcharms in it,whose title more,”他的年纪有一定的魔力,他的名号魔力更大。
charmvt. 1. cast spells upon,put under the influence of a spell对…施行魔法,把…放在符咒的魔力之下。 △H.V.2.Cho.38: “charming the Narrow Seas/To give you gentlepass;”念咒作法,使得(英吉利)海峡风平浪静,让你们往返无恙。 2. subdue as if with a magic spell (像用魔咒似的)镇住 △Ado.5.1.26: “Charm ache with air,and agonywith words.”用空话镇住痛楚,用言语止住痛苦。 △Oth.5.2. 181 (183):“Go to,charm your tongue.”好了,闭上你的嘴。 3. control or silence as if with a magic spell(像使用魔咒似的)镇住,使沉默。 △Oth.5.2.181 (183): “Go to,charm your tongue.”好了,闭上你的嘴。 △Otn.5.2.182(184): “I will not charm my tongue; I am bound tospeak.”我偏不闭嘴;我一定得说。 △2H.VI.4.1.63:“Thishand of mine hath writ in thy behalf,/And thereforeshall it charm thy riotous tongue.”我这只手曾经为你写过推荐信,所以它就能使你这放肆的舌头默不作声。 charm one’s tongue: silence ...使沉默。 △3H.VI.5.5.31:“Peace,wilful boy,or I will charm your tongue.”住口,任性的孩子,要不然我就叫你再开不得口。 4. enchant,fascinate用魔法迷惑,迷住。 △2H.IV.4.2.39: “Whose dangerous eyes may well be charmedasleep/With grant of our most just and right de-sires,” (Alluding to Argus,another mythologicalmonster with a thousand eyes which could be charmedto sleep by the music of Mercury.)只要我们公正合理的要求得到允准,它那险恶的眼睛自会被引诱得闭住入睡。 △Tw.2.2.19 (18): “Fortune forbid my outside have notcharmed her!”i.e.Fortune forbid that my appear-ance has charmed her into falling in love with me!(Here “not” is used to express emphatic negative.) 上帝不准,但愿我的外貌千万不要迷住她才好! 5. subdue制服。 △Shr.4.2.58:“To tame a shrew andcharm her chattering tongue.”驯服悍妇,治一治她的长舌头。 6. check,restrain阻止,制止。 △Shr.1.1.213(209):“charm him first to keep his tongue.”先嘱付他少开口。 charm粲数核物理学术语。指被假设为基本粒子的根本属性,由非零吸引量子数得到证明。最初仅是理论假设,1974年J粒子的发现使其意义更加重大。被认为是组成一种新型的受吸引夸克及对应的反夸克。 charm[tʃɑ:m]n. 迷人,吸引力,魅力,感染力,引诱 v. 迷人,使陶醉,施魔法 ◇ charm sth. from …使用魔法从…得到… /under a charm 着魔 work like a charm 迅速而完全地获得成功 ‖ Charm of a Singer 《念奴娇》 /charm offensive魅力攻势 charm particle 粲粒子 charm school 礼仪学校 charming manners 风度翩翩 charms and incantations 符咒 charmed circle 小圈子 charmed quark 粲夸克 charmer n. 魔术师 charming adj. 迷人的,可爱的,有趣的 |