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❶ (形状) form; shape: 奇形怪 ~ of grotesque shapes; 凶恶之 ~ a ferocious manner
❷ (情况) state; condition; situation; circumstances: 病 ~ symptom of a disease; 现 ~ present state of affairs; status quo; 惨 ~ miserable condition; pitiful sight
❸ (陈述事件或记载事迹的文字) ac ̄ count; record: 行 ~ a brief biographical sketch of deceased; 功 ~ an account of sb.'s meritorious service
❹ (指诉状) legal complaint; plaint: 诉 ~ register a legal complaint; 告 ~ lodge a charge or complaint
❺ (褒奖、委任等文件) certificate; official document: 奖 ~ certificate of commendation; 委任 ~ certificate of appointment; commission Ⅱ (陈述或描摹) describe; narrate: 自 ~ 其过 confess one's own mistakes; 不可名 ~ cannot be described; beyond description; indescribable
◆状况 condition; state; status; state of affairs; 状貌 appearance; form; 状态 status; state; condition; state of affairs; 状语 {语} adverbial modifier; adverbial; 状元 the very best; Number One Scholar (title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination); 状纸 written complaint; plaint; 状子 [口] written complaint; plaint





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