1.(legal term) formal objection or protest (法律名词)反对,抗议。
△H.Ⅷ.2.4.75(77):“and make mychallenge/You shall not be my judge;”我提出抗议,反对你做我的审判官。
2. claim权利。
challenge of desert: deserved claim,rightful claim.inherent right 应得的权利,正当的权利,固有的权利。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.4.151:“Either accept the title thouusurp’st / Of benefit proceeding from our king,/Andnot of any challenge of desert,”你要么接受你所侵占的称号,那也是出于我们国王的恩惠,并不是由你应得的权利。
1.lay claim to,claim,demand对…提出要求,要求。
△Rom.3.5.214(213):“Romeo is banished,and allthe world to nothing/That he dares ne’er come backto challenge you.”i.e. to claim as his. 我拿一切来打赌,他绝不敢回来要求和你团聚。(按: challenge另解为charge“责备”,亦通。)
△L.L.L. 5.2.813(805):“Come chal-lenge me,challenge me by these deserts,”那就凭着这些成就,来向我提出(结婚的)要求吧。
△Oth. 1. 3. 188: “Somuch I challenge that I may profess/Due to the Moor,my lord.”我要求有权宣称我对于我的夫君摩尔人也尽同样的本分。
△Lr.4.7. 30 (29):“Had you not been their father,these white flakes/Did challenge pityof them.”i.e. Your white hair would have claimed
pity. 即使你不是她们的父亲,这满头白发也该会引起她们的怜悯。
△3H.VI.4.7.23: “Why,and I challenge nothing but my dukedom,/ As being well contentwith that alone.”嗯,除了我的公爵领地我什么也不要求,只要有了它我就完全心满意足了。
△3H.VI.4.8.48:“No,Ex-eter,these graces challenge grace.”不,爱克塞特,好心总该换来好心。
2. lay claim to对…提出所有权。
△H.V.4.1.236 (217):“If ever I like to see it,I will challenge it.”只要我能活着再见到它,我一定会对它提出所有权。
3. claim对…提出要求,认领。
△H.V.4.7.132 (126):“Who if alive and ever (i.e. and if he ever) dare tochallenge this glove,I have sworn to take him a boxo’(= on) the ear;”只要他活着并且敢于认领这只手套的话,我已经发过誓要打他一个耳光。
4. claim,deserve要求,应受。
△Oth.2.1.213 (210):“He is a good one,and his worthiness/Does chal-lenge much respect.”他是一个好手,他的本领应该受到敬重。
5. claim as due有正当权利要求。
△3H.VI.3.2.86:“Allher perfections challenge sovereignty.”她的全部优异天资足以要求君王之尊。
△L.L.L.5.2.439 (438): “Whenshe shall challenge this,you will reject her.”等她要你履行诺言,你就会拒绝的。
6. claim as one’s due,demand (作为应得权益)索取,要求。
△3H.VI.4.6.6: “Subjects may challenge nothing oftheir sovereigns;”臣民不能向他们的君主索取任何东西。
7. charge,blame,accuse指责,责备,谴责。
△Mac.3.4.42 (41): “Who may I rather challenge forunkindness/Than pity for mischance.”我宁愿责备他不肯赏光,也不愿因他遭到什么意外而对他怜悯。
~ vi. claim as one’s right,lay claim to,claim有权要求,提出要求,要求。
△Lr.1.1.55 (53):“Where nature dothwith merit challenge?”看看谁在亲子关系中最有孝心,有权享有(我的恩惠)?
n. &v. 挑战(书),邀请赛,质问,发难,要求,需要,回避
◇ accept a challenge 应战
beyond challenge 无与伦比
challenge... for...仔细检查
challenge for the ball 抢球
rise to the challenge 迎战,接受挑战
take a challenge lying down 迎战
‖ challenge a result 对表决结果提出质疑
challenge cup 优胜杯
challenge flag 挑战旗
challenge for cause 有正当理由反对某陪审员出庭
challenge of juror 反对某人当陪审员
challenge round 挑战比赛
Challenge System回避制度
challenge the constitutionship of a law 对一项法律的合法性提出质问
challenge to panel 反对陪审团出庭
challenge to the array 要求陪审员回避
challenge to the poll 要求某陪审员回避
challenge to the ruling 对裁决提出异议
challenge witness 回避证人
letter of challenge 挑战书
challenging signal 应答信号
challenger n. 挑战人,反对者
challenging adj. 引起竞争的,引起争论的,有前途的,大胆的