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单词 blood


1. fluid circulating the arteries and veins. i.e. sup-posed seat of emotion 血液(过去被认作情感的中心)。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.5.168 (169): “But if it did infect my blood with joy,”但是假如它使我的血液中感染到些微的欣喜。
2. natural feeling,passion感情,热情。
△Ado.2.3.181(163): “wisdom and blood combating in so tender abody,”智慧与感情在这样纤弱的躯体里交战。
△Ado.3.2.18: “there’s no true drop of blood in him to be trulytouched with love.”他这人没有一滴血性(又译:没有一丝真情),不可能为爱情所打动。
△Mid.1.1.68:“examine wellyour blood,”好好检查你的情感。
△Ham.3.2.74(69):“Whose blood and judgement are so well co-med-dled,”感情与理智调合得这样均匀。
△Ham.4.4.58:“Ex-citements of my reason and my blood,”我的理智和感情都被激动。
△2H.Ⅳ.5.2.129: “The tide of blood inme/Hath proudly flowed in vanity till now:”我的热情的浪潮在此以前曾经无拘无束地在轻浮行为之中奔流。
3. passions,impulse激情,冲动。
△Mer.1.1.19 (18):“The brain may devise laws for the blood,”头脑尽管给血性制定了规律。(又译:理智可以制定下种种戒律来约束感情。)
△Ham.1.3.6: “a toy in blood,”感情冲动;逢场作戏。
△Ham.1.3.116:“When the blood burns,”热血沸腾的时候;热情燃烧的时候。
△H.Ⅴ.2.2.133: “not swervingwith the blood.”不因强烈冲动而乱了方寸,
4. passion of anger,anger激怒,愤怒。
△Lr.4.2.63:“Were’t my fitness/ To let these hands obey myblood,”i.e. If it were proper for me to let thesehands obey my passion. 要是我的身份容许我命令我这双手服从我的怒气。
△Oth.2.3.207 (205):“My blood beginsmy safer guides to rule,”i.e.My anger begins tooverpower my rational controls. 我的怒气简直按捺不住了。
△Oth.4.1.286 (275): “Or did the letters workupon his blood,”再不然,这封信激起了他的怒火。
△R.Ⅲ.5.3.341 (340): “Spur your proud horses hard,andride in blood:” i.e.charge with passion. 猛刺你们的骏马,奋勇策马前进。
5. passionate desire,desire of the flesh,sexual desire情欲,肉欲,性欲。
△Ado.2.1.189 (180):“Again st whosecharms faith melteth into blood.”一接近她的魔力,忠诚就会在情欲中融化。
△Ado.4.1.59: “But you are moreint emperate in your blood/Than Venus,”但是你的情欲却比维纳斯还要放荡。
△As.5.4.58 (56): “to swear and to forswear,according as marriage binds andblood breaks.”i.e. according as they are faithful to their marriage bonds or break them through passion.(A couple are bound by marriage-vows,but passion orsexual desire may cause the breaking of these vows.)来宣了誓然后再毁誓,让婚姻把我们结合,再让血气把我们拆开,
△Oth.1.3.104:“Some mixture powerful o’er theblood,”对情欲能发生强烈作用的某种药物。
△Oth.1.3.339 (334): “It is merely a lust of the blood and a per-mission of the will.”这不过是一阵肉欲的冲动、一番意志的放纵。
△Oth.2.1.230 (226): “When the blood is madedull with the act of sport,there should be,again toinflame it and to give satiety a fresh appetite.”肉欲经过一段游戏就变得迟钝了,那时为了再把欲火点燃起来,让腻味的东西再引起新的胃口,就得有…
△Ham.3.4.68:“for at your age/The heyday in the blood is tame,it's hum- ble,”因为到了你这样的年纪,旺盛的欲火应该已经驯服了。
6. birth,descent,lineage,social rank血统,出身,门第,身份。
△Mid.1.1.135:“But either it was different in blood—” 若不是因为门不当、户不对。
△Lr.5.3.169(168):“I am no less in blood than thou art,Ed-mund;” i.e. not lower in birth.我的身份并不比你低微,爱德蒙。
△1H.IV.1.3.145: “I cannot blame him (i.e.Henry IV): was not he (i.e. Mortimer) proclaimedBy Richard,that dead is,the next of blood?” (Rich-ard II named Edmund Mortimer,Earl of Marchnot Sir Edmund Mortimer—as heir to the throne ofEngland in 1398.)我不能怪罪他,那已故的理查不是宣布过,摩提麦在血统上跟他最近吗?
△R.III.1.2.7:“Thou blood-less remnant of that royal blood,”你这皇家血统的失血的残躯。
next of blood: i.e. nearest in family line to succeed to the throne在家系上最接近于继承王位的。
△2H.VI.1.1152(151): “Consider,lords,he is the next of blood /And heir apparent to the English crown.” (Henry VIhad no children,so,as Henry V’s sole survivingbrother,Gloucester was next in line to the throne.)想想吧,诸位,他在血统上是王室嫡系近亲,是英国王位的合法继承人。
7. noble birth,royal extraction 高贵血统,王室出身
△Gent. 3.1.121:“thou art a gentleman of blood,”你是一个出身高贵的人。
△H.V.4.8.95 (89):“The rest areprinces,barons,lords,knights,squires,/ And gentle-men of blood and quality.”其余的都是亲王、男爵、勋爵、骑士、侍卫以及出身高贵和身份优越的绅士。
△R.III.3.7.134(135): “But as successively,from blood to blood.” 而是按照继承顺序,从高贵血统到高贵血统。
△H.VIII.1.1.122:“A beggar’s book/Outworths a noble’s blood.”叫花子的学问比贵族的血统还要更受人看重呢。
8. rank due to one’s blood or descent,inherited rank.hereditary rights 由于血统或家世而取得的身份,继承的身份,世袭的权利。
△1H.VI.2.5. 128:“Either to be restoredto my blood./Or make mine ill th’advantage of mygood.”要求恢复我世袭的权利,再不然就把我的冤屈变成对我有利的条件。
△1H.VI.3.1.157: “Therefore,my lovinglords,our pleasure is/That Richard be restored tohis blood.” i.e. restored to his rights as heir to theEarl of Cambridge. 所以,众位爱卿,我的意愿是恢复理查的世袭权利。
9. blood-relation,kindred,family relationships血亲,亲属,亲族。
△Rom.3.1.195(189):“My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding;”我的亲戚为着你们残暴的斗殴,也倒卧在血泊之中。
△Lr.3.5.22 (21): “I will persever in my course of loyalty. though the conflict be sore between that and my blood.”我一定坚持尽忠到底,虽然忠心和父子之情的冲突非常痛苦。
△Oth.1.1.170(169): “O treason of the blood!” 啊,骨肉的叛逆!
△R.III.2.1.92:“God grant that some,less noble and less loyal,/ Nearer in bloody thoughts,but not in blood,/ Deserve not worse than wretched Clarence did,”但愿上帝准许,让有些没有他那么高贵、那么忠诚,也不像他那样接近王室血统,却怀着更多血腥杀人念头的人,不会受到比可怜的克拉仑斯更坏的报应。
△2H.VI.4.1.50: “King Henry’s blood,/The honourable blood of Lancaster,/ Must not be shed by such a jadedgroom.”(In fact,Suffolk’s mother was merely a distant cousin of Henry VI.)亨利王的血,兰开斯特王族高贵的血,绝不能让这样一个卑贱家伙任意溅洒。
△R.III.1.3.126(125): “Ay,and much better blood than his,or thine.”是呀,还洒了许多比他、也比你更高贵的人的鲜血。
△R.III.2.4.60: “And being seated,and domestic broils/ Clean overblown,themselves,the conquerors,/Make war upon themselves,brother to brother,/Blood to blood,self against self.”而一旦登上了王位,内战也完全平息了,胜利者们就自己跟自己打起仗来,弟兄对弟兄,亲人对亲人,自己对自己。
10. offspring,children后代,子女。
△1H.IV.3.2.6:“out of my blood / He’ll breed revengement and a scourge for me;”他才从我的亲骨血中培养出对我的报应和惩罚。
△ 1H.VI.4.5.16: “The world will say,he is not Talbot’s blood,”世人一定要说,他不是塔尔博特的亲骨血。
11. symbol of the fleshly nature of man血液(人的血肉天性的象征),血性。
△H.VIII.2.3.102: “Would I had nobeing/If this salute my blood a jot;” i.e. If thiscause my blood to rise the least in acknowledgement.要是这件事让我有一丝一毫的高兴,那就但愿没有我这个生命。
12. fleshly nature,nature血肉天性,本性。
△Oth.1.3.122: “as truly as to heaven/I do confess the vices of my blood,”像对上天忏悔我天性中的罪恶一样。
△2H.IV.45.36 (37):“Thy due from me / Is tears and heavy sorrows of the blood,”你从我这里所应得到的是出自天性(又译:衷心)的眼泪和沉重的悲伤。
13. disposition,temper性情,脾气。
△Ado.1.3.29(28): “it better fits my blood to be disdained of all than to fashion a carriage to rob love from any.”受大家所鄙弃,比勉强逢迎以窃取某个人的欢心,更符合我的脾气。
△1H.IV.1.3.1: “My blood hath been too cold and temperate.”我的脾气太冷静、太温和了。
△1H.IV.4.3.76:“while his blood was poor,”当他脾气还算谦逊的时候。
△2H.IV.4.4.37: “Chide him for faults,and do it reverently,/When you perceive his blood inclined to mirth: ”当你看他心情高兴的时候,可以用恭敬的态度指责他的过失。
△R.III.1.2.16:“Cursed the blood that let this blood from hence!”把血从你这身上放走的那个人的脾性真该受到诅咒!
14. mettle,vigour,high spirit气质,魄力,高尚精神。
△1H.IV.3.1.180(179):“Though sometimes it show greatness,courage,blood —”虽然它有时候可以表示出伟大、勇气、魄力。
15. courage勇气。
△Tw.2.5.162(147):“let thy blood and spirit embrace them,”赶快拿出全部勇气和精神去拥抱好运吧。
△1H.IV.2.4.411(370):“Doth not thy blood thrill at it?”你会为此吓得发抖吧?
△1H.IV.5.2.76: “Better consider what you have to do / Than I. that have not well the gift of tongue./Can lift your blood up with persuasion.”i.e.It is better for you to think over what you have to do in this battle,and that thought will rouse your courage,for I am no orator你们最好还是自己想想应该做的事情吧,因为我没有口才,不会用动人的言词去激励你们的勇气。
16. vigour生气。
in blood: in full vigour,full of life血气方刚,生气勃勃。
△L.L.L.4.2.3:“The deer was,as you know,sanguis,in blood,” 您是知道的,鹿正在血气旺盛的状态。
△1H.VI.4.2.48: “If we be English deer,be then in blood,”如果我们是英国鹿,就要做血气方刚的鹿。
17. gallant fellow好汉。
△L.L.L.5.2.713 (708): “Sweet bloods,I both may and will.”诸位英雄好汉,我可以(拒绝),而且我要(拒绝)。
18. instinct 本能,直觉。
△H.Ⅴ.5.2.238 (222):“yet myblood begins to flatter me that thou dost”,可是我的直觉却在讨我的好,说你爱我。
19. (virgin’s) blushes(少女的)羞红。
△Rom.3.2. 14:“Hood my unmanned blood,” 遮住我少女的羞红。
△Ado.4.1. 123 (121): “could she here deny/ Thestory that is printed in her blood?”i.e. deny the storywhich her blushes reveal to be true. 她能够否认她的羞红的脸已经承认的丑事吗?
20. shedding of blood,bloodshed,murder 流血,凶杀。
△H.Ⅴ.4.1. 318 (298): “Five hundred poor I have inyearly pay,/Who twice a day their withered handshold up / Toward heaven,to pardon blood;”我年年出钱雇了五百个穷人,他们每天两次举起他们干枯的手向上天祈求宽恕这一桩流血事件。
△2H.Ⅵ.4.2.138 (126): “But an-gry,wrathful,and inclined to blood,/If you go for-ward”;如果你们继续作乱,国王就要震怒、大发雷霆、不惜使你们流血。
in blood: by bloodshed 靠着流血。
△R.Ⅲ.5.3.248(247): “One raised in blood,and one in blood estab-lished;” 一个靠着流血抬起来的人,又靠着流血建家立业。
blood and baseness: base passions卑下的情欲。
△Oth.1.3.333 (328):“the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions.”我们天性中的卑下的情欲就会把我们引到荒唐透顶的结局。
blood will have blood: bloody deeds must have bloodin return 流血的事总要用血来还。
△Mac.3.4.122(121):“It will have blood: they say. blood will have blood.”i.e.People say that bloody deed must have blood inreturn. 流血是免不了的,人常说,流血的事总要用血来还。




n. 血,血统,血压,血液,气质,种族 v. 出血,抽血
◇ blood and iron 滥用武力
blue blood 高贵门第,贵族出身
Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。/By blood 按照血统说
give blood献血
have sb.’s blood o one’s hands 对他人的死亡负有责任
in cold blood 残忍的,故意的
in one’s blood 生来就有的特性
make sb.’s blood boil 使某人愤怒
of the blood 皇家的
‖ Blood and Iron Policy 铁血政策
blood and thunder 充满凶杀等刺激性情节的通俗剧
blood bath 大屠杀
blood bond 血缘联系
blood brother 亲兄弟,同胞兄弟
blood curdler 毛骨悚然的作品
blood debt 血债
blood donated gratis 无偿献血
Blood Donation without Repayment 无偿献血
blood feud 族仇,血仇
blood group (type)血型
blood line 血统
blood lineage 血统
blood penny 有惊险情节的廉价小说
blood red 血红色
blood relations 嫡亲,血亲,骨肉,血缘关系
blood relationship 血缘,血统
blood stain 血迹
blood test 验血
blood ties 血缘
blood type 血型
give blood 献血
bloodbath n. 大屠杀
bloodcurdling adj. 令人毛骨悚然的
blooded adj. 纯种的
bloodguilty adj. 犯杀人罪的
bloodhound n. 警犬
bloodiness n. 残酷,残忍,血污,血腥
bloodless adj. 冷酷的
bloodless coup 不流血政变
bloodletting n.放血
bloodpressure n. 血压
bloodsacker n.吸血者 bloodshed n. 流血,杀戮
bloodshot adj. 眼睛充血的
bloodstain n. 血迹
bloodstained adj. 犯杀人罪的
bloodstream n. 血液
bloodsupply n. 供血 bloodthirstiness n.杀人狂
bloodthirsty adj. 残忍的,嗜血
blood-transfusion n. 输血
bloody adj.&adv.血,血污,残忍 v. 血染
Bloody Assizes 血腥审判(1685 年)/bloody incident 流血事件
bloody massacre 血腥屠杀
bloody murder 血腥谋杀
Bloody Sunday 流血的星期日(1887年,1905年)cold-blooded adj. 残酷的





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