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单词 benefit


△Ham. 1.3.2:“as thewinds give benefit”,i.e. whenever the winds are fa-vourable; whenever the winds blow advantageously当好风给人方便。
2. profit利润。
△Com.1.2.25:“Of whom I hope tomake much benefit;”我希望从他们那里赚些钱。
3.privilege,right,bestowal of a right特权,权利,权利的授予。
△1H.VI.4.1.99:“And in defence of my lord’sworthiness,/I crave the benefit of law of arms.”并且为了保卫我家主人的尊严,我要求使用决斗来判断的权利。
△R.III.3.1.48:“The benefit thereof is alwaysgranted/To those whose dealings have deserved theplace,”这种受圣堂保护的权利从来只是给予那些所作所为值得此地保护的人们。
△R.III.3.7.194(195):“Then,goodmy lord,take to your royal self/This proffered ben-efit of dignity;”那么,我的好大人,请你亲自接受我们奉献的这个至高无上的权位吧。
4. act of kindness仁慈行为。
△Lr.1.4.310 (286):“allher mother’s pains and benefits”,她做母亲的一切操心和仁慈。
5. favour,state of receiving favour or advantage恩惠,受恩,获益。
△As.2.7.(186):“benefits forgot;”被忘记的恩惠,忘恩负义。
6.favour,feudal bestowal恩惠,封赠。
△1H.VI.5.4151:“Either accept the title thou usurp’st/Of benefit(i.e. as a favour) proceeding from our king,”你要么接受你所侵占的称号,那也是出于我们国王的恩惠。
7.natural gift天赋。
△Tw.5.1. 316 (305):“Yet haveI the benefit of my senses as well as your ladyship.”但是我的天赋理智却和你一样健全。
8. natural advantages (固有的)优点。
△As.4.1.36(34): “disable all the benefits of your own country;”贬低你本国的一切优点。


vt. do good to,profit为…做了好事,有益于。
△Lr.4.2.45: “A man,a prince,by him so benefi-ted!一个男子汉,一个得了他如此好处的王公!


v.&n. 恩惠,救济(金),津贴,义演,义赛,有益,受益,利益,好处,利润,保险赔偿费 v. 有益于,有助于
◇ benefit by (from)有益于…,受益
be of benefit to 对…有利
be of much benefit对…大有好处
be to one’s benefits 符合某人的利益
by the benefit of 由于…的恩惠
for the benefit of 为了
to the benefit of 为了…的利益,有利于
without benefit 无益
‖ benefit abatement 给付减少
benefit already acquired 既得利益
benefit approach(税负的)利益说
benefit association 互助会
benefit club 互济会
benefit clusters 利益群体
benefit concert 义演音乐会
benefit cost analysis 效益成本分析,收益成本分析
benefit-cost ratio 效益成本比率
benefit country 受惠国
benefit delay of education investment 教育投资效益延效性
benefit endowment 养老金
benefit evaluation 受益估测,效益评估
benefit factor 受益率
benefit fund 福利基金
benefit fund for employees 职工福利基金
benefit fund reserve 福利基金准备
benefit in kind 实物福利
benefit in running a school 办学效益
benefit long-term of education investment 教育投资效益长期性
benefit market 市场利益
benefit match 义演
benefit of argument 辩论权
benefit of cession 让与权
benefit of discussion 要求先向主债务人追索债务的权利
benefit of education 教育收益
benefit of general education 一般教育利益
benefit of prescription 时效产生的利益
benefit of society 社会利益
benefit of special education专门教育利益
benefit of the doubt 裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定,无罪之假定
benefit of whole life 终生教育收益
benefit oneself at public expense损公利己
benefit payable 应付抚恤金
benefit payment 保险费支付
benefit performance 义演
benefit principle 给付原则
benefit principle of taxation 租税受益原则
benefit program 福利计划
benefit rate 给付率
benefit rate of education 教育收益率
benefit society 互济会,福利社会
benefit tax受益税
benefit the nation and the people 利国利民
benefit trust 受益信托
benefits-in-kind 实物利益
benefited party 受益方





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