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❶ (把液体、气体等引入体内) inhale; breathe in; draw: 把空气 ~ 到肺里 draw air into the lungs; 深深 ~ 一口气 draw a deep breath; ~ 进新鲜空气 inhale fresh air; 他用麦杆 ~ 冰淇淋汽水。He sucked icecream-soda through a straw. 漩涡把小船 ~ 进去了。 The whirlpool sucked down the boat.
❷ (吸收) absorb; suck up: 用粉笔把墨水 ~ 干 blot ink with a piece of chalk; 海绵 ~ 水。 A sponge absorbs water.
❸ (吸引) attract; draw to oneself: 磁石 ~ 铁。 A magnet attracts iron. 异极相 ~。 Unlike poles attract.
◆吸(疗)杯 cucurbitula; cuppingglass; suction-up; 吸尘 dust absorption; 吸尘器 vacuum cleaner; vacuum sweeper; aspirator; dust catcher; dust collector; 吸虫 {无脊椎} fluke; trematode; 吸出 suction; extraction; exhaustion; 吸毒 drug taking; take drugs; 吸毒贩毒 drug abuse; drug trafficking; 吸风 induced draft; 吸风饮露 inhale wind and drink dew — to endure the hardship of travelling or fieldwork; 吸附 {化} adsorb; adsorption; sorption; 吸附剂 {化} adsorbent; adsorbing material [substance]; sorbent; 吸附热 adsorption heat; 吸管 tubularis; snore piece; suction tubes; 吸(量)管 pipet; pipette; 吸罐 cucurbitula; 吸果夜蛾 fruit piercing moth; 吸汗垫布 shield; 吸红外-紫外线高硅氧玻璃 infrared and ultraviolet absorption Vycor glass; 吸进 myzesis; 吸口虫 myzostome; 吸力 suction; suck; attraction; 吸粮机 pneumatic grain handling machine; 吸滤瓶 {化} filter flask; suction bottle; filtering flask; 吸滤器 {化工} nutsch filter; 吸蜜鸟 friarbird; honey eater; 吸蜜鹦鹉 lory; 吸墨器 blotter; 吸墨粉 antisetoff powder; pounce; 吸墨纸 {纸} blotting paper; bibulous paper; blotter paper; 吸奶器 {医} breast pump; 吸泥泵 dredge pump; 吸泥船 hydraulic suction dredge; 吸泥机 suction dredge; 吸盘 {动} sucker; trochal disc; sucking disc; acetabulum; {工} suction cup; myzo-; 吸气 inhale; breath in; {生理} inspiration; air admission; afflatus; gettering; {机} air-breathing; suction; 吸取 absorb; draw; suck up; assimilate; {微} aspiration; {工} suction; 吸热 deca ̄ lescence; absorption of heat; {物} {化} endothermal; endothermic; 吸热式冰箱 {工} absorption refrigerator; 吸乳器 humalactor; 吸入 inhalation; suction; indraw ̄ ing; indraft; drawing-in; afflatus; absorption; sucking up; anem-; anemo-; 吸入性肺结核 inhalation tuberculosis; 吸入性肺炎 aspiration pneumonia; inhalation pneumonia; 吸沙(泥)机 sand sucker; 吸声 bondacust; {建} sound [acoustic] absorption; 吸湿 absorption of moisture; moisture absorption; 吸食 suck; take in; 吸收 absorb; suck up; soak up; assimilate; imbibe; draw; take-up; recruit; enrol; admit; {化} sorption; {生} uptake; intake; 吸水 water uptake [absorption]; water sucking; 吸吮 suck; absorb; suckle; 吸铁石 magnet; lodestone; 吸血 suck blood; hemophagia; hematophagia; 吸血鬼 bloodsucker; vampire; 吸烟 smoke; have a smoke; 吸氧 oxygen uptake; 吸音板 abatvoix; acoustic board; 吸音材料 {材} acoustical material; 吸音绒布 hush cloth; 吸音贴砖 acoustolith tile; 吸音纤维板 acoustic fibre board; 吸音毡 baffle blanket; felt deadener; 吸引 attract; draw; fascinate; appeal to; 吸引外资 draw foreign funds; absorb foreign funds; ablract foreign invest ̄ ment; 吸油管 fuel sucking pipe; oil suction pipe; 吸鱼 clingfish; 吸着 sorption; 吸汁虫 sapper; 吸汁啄木鸟 sapsucker; 吸嘴 suction nozzle





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