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❶ (签名) sign; autograph: 请你 ~ 个字。 Please sign your name here. 他们不敢在写的东西上 ~ 他们的名。 They did not dare to put their names to what they wrote.
❷ (签署意见) make brief comments on a document
❸ (粗粗地缝) tack: 把袖口 ~上 tack on a cuff Ⅱ ❶ (竹签) bamboo slips used for divination or drawing lots: 抽 ~ draw lots
❷ (作为标志用的小条或硬纸片) label; sticker: 标 ~ label; sticker; 航空邮 ~ air mail sticker; 书 ~ bookmarker
❸ (有尖的小细棍) a slender pointed piece of bamboo or wood: 牙 ~ tooth pick
◆签呈 [旧] brief document submitted to a superior; petition; 签到 register one's attendance at a meeting or at an office; sign in; 签到薄 attendance book; 签订 conclude and sign; 签发 sign and issue; 签合同 sign a contract; conclude a contract; 签名 sign one's name, autograph; 签名留念 give one's autograph as a momento; 签收 sign after receiving sth.; sign to acknowledge the receipt of sth.; sign for; 签署 sign; affix; subscribe; 签署国 signatory; 签条 docket; 签押 [旧] sign; 签约 sign a contract; 签证 visa; visé; 签注 attach a slip of paper to a document with comments on it; write comments on a document; endorsement; 签字 sign; affix one's signature; 签字盖章 sign and seal; put one's signature and seal on; sign and put one's personal seal on; sign and affix one's seal; set one's hand and seal to; add one's signature; 签字画押 sign one's name [make a personal mark] on a document; sign or make one's cross [mark]





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:36:08