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单词 beguile


△Mid.2.1.45:“When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile,/ Neighingin likeness of a filly foal;”有一回,我逗引一匹肥胖精壮的公马,故意学着一匹小母马嘶叫。
2. cheat,deceive,delude欺骗,哄骗。
△Rom.3.2.132:“Poor ropes,you are beguiled,” (i.e. because theropes will not be used by Romeo,as planned.) 可怜的绳儿,你也受了骗。
△Lr.2.2.117(111): “He that be-guiled you in plain accent was a plain knave,whichfor my part I will not be,”谁假装坦率来欺骗你的,谁就是个十足的坏蛋,就我来说,我却不愿做这样的人。
△Mac.1.5.64 (63): “To beguile the time,/Look like the time;”i.e.In order to deceive the world,look like theworld,i.e.act in the normal way,and no one willnotice you.要欺骗世人,必须做出和世人一样的神情。
3. coax诱出。
△Oth.1.3.156:“And often did beguileher of her tears,”常常赢得她不少的眼泪。
4. rob,deprive,cheat (of)夺去,使丧失,骗去。
△Oth.1.3.210: “So let the Turk of Cyprus us beguile,/ Welose it not,so long as we can smile.”那么就让土耳其人夺去塞浦路斯岛,我们只要笑一笑,就算没有失掉。
△Oth.1.3.65:“Whoe’er he be that in this foul proceeding/Haththus beguiled your daughter of herself,” i.e. robbedyour daughter of her normal nature. 无论什么人,只要他干下这种邪恶的事情,使你的女儿丧失了自己的本性。
△1H.Ⅳ.3.1.188 (187): “Beguiling them (i.e.all other goodqualities) of commendation.”使得它们都得不到应有的赞美。
5. disguise; divert attention from把…伪装起来;(又解)转移对…的注意力。
△Oth.2.1. 122:“I am not merry; butI do beguile/The thing I am by seeming otherwise.”我并不是心里高兴,只是为了掩饰心里的愁闷,假装如此。
6. drive away by some pleasing amusement,givepleasing amusement and so make(time) slip pleasant-ly排遣,消磨(时间)。
△Tw.3.3. 41: “Whiles you be-guile the time and feed your knowledge/ With vie-wing of the town;”这时候你可以游览一下城市,消磨时光,增长见识。
△Mid. 5. 1. 40: “How shall we beguile/ Thelazy time,if not with some delight?”要是一点娱乐都没有,我们如何消遣这迟迟不动的时间?
△Ham. 3. 2.238(226): “My spirit grow dull,and fain I wouldbeguile / The tedious day with sleep.”我的精神疲倦了,我想小睡片刻,借便消遣永昼。
7. cheat; disappoint,thwart欺骗;使受挫折,挫败。
△Lr.4.6.63 (62): “’Twas yet some comfort,/When mis-ery could beguile the tyrant’s rage,/And frustrate hisproud will.”i.e. by killing oneself instead of waitingfor the tyrant to kill one. 不幸的人倘能(用自杀)挫败暴君的盛怒并阻挠他骄横的意志,倒也不失为某种安慰。


v. 欺骗,消磨时间,迷信
‖ beguiling adj. beguilingly adv. beguilement n.





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